Saturday, November 12, 2016

Holiday Spice and Fur Ever Witched by Melanie James

Grab 13 holiday reads for 99 Cents!

The holidays are right around the corner! I have to admit it's my favorite time of the year. I love the lights and, yes, even the music. (But not until after Halloween!) Are you ready for the holidays? Feeling that pre-holiday funk? Let me help get you in the mood -- Holiday Spice & Everything Nice is now available! Packed full of sexy and steamy heartwarming holiday romance! Enjoy 13 contemporary stories for only 99 cents or you can get it FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Black Paw Pack
The Saga Continues

Coming November 15th!

Pre-order now available!
Erin was tired of hiding her true nature. Bound by the secrets of her heritage, she found herself stuck between a rock and a hard wolf. When her secrets are unveiled all hell breaks loose.
Lucas Jansen’s plan for life was simple: Serve his pack, find a mate, and start a family.
Now that Lucas has found his mate the next step was claiming her. Or so he thought. Everything he believed is about to be turned upside down as ancient legends and a forbidden love push him toward a path of self-destruction.
His mate was everything he had ever wanted, and everything he had vowed to destroy. Will Erin be his curse or salvation?

DISGRACEFUL (Pre-Order) by Dee Palmer

Coming November 18th


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After the dust settles on the most erotic night in her life, a fantasy-fulfilling experience that not only brought Sam back to life, but also laid her brutal demons to rest. Her lust for life returns with her irrepressible passion and she embraces the changes in her life, almost without reservation…almost.

Jason Sinclair is just the Dominant to take a woman like Sam on. She’s fearless and feisty, but when she lost herself, he nearly lost her all over again. By giving her that one night, he became more than her savior…he became her everything. Opening her up to what the future could hold with a potential life of hedonistic heaven together.

Or could one fantasy have been too far? Can the two super kinky souls really settle down together?

As much as Sam dreams of a happily ever after, she’s much too realistic and can’t seem to shake the dark clouds of doubt rolling in. Is the promise of domestic bliss bound to be cursed from day one or does the King of Kink have more tricks up his sleeve?

“Mmm.” She moans and arches her body into a decent stretch given the confines of the R8 interior. “Are we there yet?” She yawns and pulls her legs into a hold, wrapping her arms around her knees and shifting onto her side to face me.
“What are you…four?” I mock.
“I didn’t say…’Are we there yet Dad?’ She pouts and wrinkles her nose. She has soft pink lines on her face, crumpled skin from a heavy sleepy head against her shoulder. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and it’s all I can do to keep from swerving off the road. She looks edible.
“Oh beautiful, you can call me Daddy if you want, but I’m always gonna prefer Sir.” My voice drips with sensual meaning.
“I prefer Sir.” Her sultry, soft tone I feel, like a direct hit in my balls. I push my head back into the headrest and straighten my arms, my fingers tighten on the wheel. Subtle instant reactions that make her giggle. I try and shift in my seat to ease the painful ache from my now rock hard cock.
“Sorry.” She sucks in her lips and fails to look even vaguely apologetic.
“No you’re not.” I groan when her hand reaches over and rubs the material stretched taut over my shaft.
“Not remotely, but I am more than happy to help.” She slips the seatbelt, so it is only wrapped across her waist, and she slinks across the centre of the car, like a super sexy feline. I lift my left arm to make room. Christ my balls feel like they are ready to explode and she hasn’t even loosened my buckle. Oh now she has…shit!
“Sam…I don’t think this is a really good idea.” My voice catches and I try and swallow the sudden dryness in my mouth.
“Really? I think this is a great idea. Besides…” Her warm breath sears the fibres on my pants, her head hovers as she deftly releases my erection into her waiting hand. ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
“Holy. Fucking Shiiii…Ah! Oh yes that…do that again!” I swallow back a choking cough and let the most amazing feeling radiate through my body unchecked. She has her fist tight around the base but her mouth covers the engorged end and she swallows me down like I really am the best meal of the day. I can feel the muscles in her throat and I fight the urge to jerk my hips forward. The back of her head keeps nudging the bottom of the steering wheel as it is. Her tongue does this thing where she slides and wraps it around my , all the while drawing me deeper into her mouth, until I am touching the back of her throat. She pauses only to catch a breath before she swallows me further. God this feels fucking amazing. I know I’m not all in, her hand is taking over where her mouth is physically unable…at least at this angle.
I am counting backwards in Italian just to try and not think about losing control. But when she releases my cock and her lips instantly wrap around one of my balls, I swerve the car onto the hard shoulder and into the police only waiting area. I’d rather get arrested than die and she is fucking killing me here. Her head pops up and I slip from her swollen lips.
“Problem?” Her devious smile is all faux innocence.
“No problem.” I am impressed I maintain a level voice and a steady exhale. “There will be though if you don’t get your fucking jeans off and ride me till I come.” Her pink cheeks flush a little redder, her eyes darken with pure passion and her slim throat takes a deep slow swallow.
Now I’ve changed my mind.
“Wait… No time, just finish what you started Beautiful.” I thread my hand into what’s left of her messy bun and pull her back into position. Her eyes meet mine and flash with mirrored desire before bending over millimetres from my aching erection.
“Yes Sir.” She exhales a breathy sigh with her words. which scorch the wetness seeping from my tip. Her tongue is quick to take the moisture and her lips quickly follow.  She sinks quickly onto my length and eager to please she almost swallows me whole.
“Fuuuuuck!” Every muscle in my backside tenses and I grip the steering wheel like it is my only anchor to Earth. One of her hands pumps the base of my cock that makes my spine tingle from top to tip, she palms my balls with her other hand, and her magic tongue is driving me insane tracing the pulsing vein from the very bottom of me to the sensitive top. She tilts her head to flash me a wicked grin and smiles wide pulling her lips free and exposing her bright white, straight, and from memory, surprisingly sharp, teeth. I suck in a sharp breath and brace myself. I fucking hate teeth.
But there are no teeth and I don’t know whether to sigh with relief, or growl with irritation. I do neither because her heavenly mouth takes me as far as her breath will allow, she swallows repeatedly and I explode down her eager throat. My stomach muscles spasm from the intensity of my release and I take a few moments to draw in enough air to compose myself. She softly licks me clean and even though I am not remotely soft she expertly tucks my cock back in its cotton cage. Crawling back to her seat, she faces me. Her eyes never leave mine, even as she slowly wipes her wet lips with the back of her hand and proceeds to lick that clean like a kitty. Damn that is the sexiest thing… next to what she has just done, that is.
I reach my hand out and cup the back of her head drawing her forcefully to my waiting kiss. I press hard, the taste of me fresh but faint on her lips, but her taste is intoxicating, and I can’t get enough. I twist my body and try to drag her from her seat when we both freeze. The car fills with a sudden bright blue light and a piercing siren screams a brief but effective interruption. Sam’s eyes, wide at first, transform into an impossibly huge grin once the initial shock has faded.
“Uh-oh someone’s in trouble.” She wiggles her brows playfully and I fire a scowl, with no anger intended at her. She starts to giggle.
“Oh someone’s in lots of trouble, but lets get out of this first shall we?” My tone is slightly reprimanding.
“We? You’re the one who pulled over into a police only wait zone.” She bites her lips to stop full blown hysterical laughter as a figure appears at my window.
“Because a ticket is better than death…although—” I muse and press the window to open. I greet the officer and catch a quick glance at Sam. Her mouth drops at my fluent French. I pulled the car over just south of the Belgium border with the Netherlands. This country is one of the few that are trilingual, speaking Dutch, German and lucky for me, French. The officer is stern and a series of explanations and questions later he gives me a warning but not a ticket  I shut the window when he tries to take another peek inside at my flushed faced fiancée.
I pull smoothly back into the traffic but keep to a sensible speed as the police car has pulled out right behind and is currently tailing me.
“You speak French?” Her clipped tone makes her question sound more like an accusation.
“What can I say…I’m very good with my tongue.” She blurts out a loud laugh mixed with an uncontrolled snort that sends her into a fit of giggles. I adore that sound almost as much as the little moans and sighs.

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Dee Palmer hates talking about herself in the third person so I won’t. My husband had my iPod engraved one Christmas with ‘sing like no-one’s listening’ and I know my family actually wish they weren’t listening because I am, in fact, tone deaf but it doesn’t stop me and this gentle support has enabled me to fulfil a dream. This has been a truly brilliant experience, I wrote The Choices Trilogy back to back and released them this year just one month apart...Don't you hate waiting for the next book in a series? The entire process has undoubtedly been made possible by my incredibly supportive family. I know this is very much an acknowledgment but I know I wouldn’t be writing even this single paragraph if it wasn’t for them so this is about who I am, I am because they let me be.

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Code Name: Forever & Ever by Natasza Waters


Code Name: Forever & Ever
(A Warrior's Challenge, book 5)
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When an Ivy League girl falls for a guy from the wrong side of the tracks, all the cards are stacked against them except one. Patrick Cobbs has just graduated his BUD/S training. His father's a drunk; his family is poor. He has nothing to offer Marg except the man he wants to become.

Pat's the last guy Marg’s anti-military parents want for their daughter. With her grandfather’s name etched on the Wall of the Fallen, Marg’s father will do anything to keep them apart. Only one person believes in them, and he’s dead.

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“Are you going to kiss me good night?” Marg's voice held a haughty little tone.
He bowed his head and chuckled. “No.” Teasing her was too much fun, and he waited to see her reaction.
“Fine,” she quipped and tipped her shoulder. “Bruce did.”
Oh man, oh man. He torqued his brow. “There’s a difference between me and him, Marg.”
She cocked her head. “And that is?”
“When I kiss you for the first time, it’ll be on my terms when you least expect it.”
She clutched her palms together. “I might not feel like kissing you then, Patrick Cobbs. Sure you want to take that chance?”
He chuckled again. Relaxed and straddling his bike, he gazed at her. Smart and beautiful. Most guys would think he was off his rock, tempting fate or her ire. “I’ll take that chance. Let’s do things the old-fashioned way.”
“You make me nuts,” she finally blurted.
An honest laugh erupted from his chest, seeing he was twisting her into a ball of crazy. “This is good training for you, Miss Stines.”
“How?” she barked at him. Her brow squished together.
“Although you say you don’t want to live the life of luxury, I think you’re used to getting what you want.”
Her knuckles collided with her waist. “Are you calling me spoiled?”
“Are you?”
She took a quick step toward him and leaned over. Within an inch of his mouth, her voice slipped into a silky timbre. “No, SEAL, I’m not. You can keep your kisses. I don’t want—”
Execute. His hands palmed her cheeks and his mouth powered down on hers. Every ounce of blood rushed from his head to his heart. Her gorgeous body melted against his, submitting. Holy God in heaven! He’d been right. Kissing this woman coiled his lust tight.
Their kiss blazed and then ended with a slow burn before he gently pulled away. The corner of his mouth curved. “See you Friday.” He kick-started the engine to life.
“Friday…” she said meekly, gazing at him, still stunned.
      He winked at her. Before his lust started talking him into screwing up the start to something incredible, he wheeled around the fountain and rode away.

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Code Name: Ghost (A Warrior's Challenge series Book 1)

Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge series Book 2)

Code Name: Nina's Choice (A Warrior's Challenge series Book 3)

Code Name: Luminous (A Warrior's Challenge series Book 4)

Field Stripped: 10 Steamy Military Romances

SEALed with a Weekend

Twila's Tempest

His Perfect Imperfection

Too Grand for Words (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Natasza.jpgNatasza grew up on the beautiful West Coast of British Columbia with the Pacific Ocean on her western doorstep, and thousands of acres of forest on the other. After finishing school, her life took a drastic twist, and a lifelong working relationship with the marine industry began.

After a twenty-year hiatus from creative writing, the stories swirling in her mind began to swim hard to resurface, and she threw them a life ring. She juggles words during her days off, and then gets back down to business, working as an officer in the Coast Guard. Her life is a mix of creativity vs. black and white procedures. With a lifetime of working in the marine community, there’s plenty of stories to tell. It’s a different world, different language, unsung heroes and heroines aplenty, heated moments, and blissful silence when all is well. Reading and writing is the way she turns down the loud hum that work causes, and after thirty years of humming, it’s time to vent.

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Indelible: Beneath His Ink by Inger Iversen, designed by Mae I Design (Reveal)

Indelible: Beneath His Ink
Inger Iversen
Publication date: December 12th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Former Marine, Trent Reed, is in desperate need of a Hail Mary.

With each failed attempt to convince his woman to pack up and move to Kentucky, his past finds some new way to rear its ugly head. But when his pregnant ex plows into his life, all hell breaks loose—unearthing parts of his past he wished would stay buried.

Two weeks of vacation with her man? Hell yeah, that is exactly what Teal Lofton’s libido needs. And after surviving seven months apart, their reunion doesn’t disappoint. What she didn’t account for was an unfortunate encounter with people from Trent’s past. A racist, a druggie, and a double-barreled shotgun, culminate into a vacation that will alter the course of her life forever.

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Author Bio:

Inger Iversen was born in 1982 to Anne and Kaii Iversen. She lives in Virginia Beach with her overweight lap cat, Max and her tree hugging boyfriend Joshua. She spends 90 percent of her time in Barnes and Noble and the other ten pretending not to want to be in Barnes and Noble.

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Finding Paradise and Giveaway by V.P. Ortiz

Finding Paradise
V.P. Ortiz
Publication date: September 24th 2016
Genres: New Adult, Romance

Mila Quinn is ready to finally move out of the college dorms into an apartment with her longtime boyfriend, Ethan Lowe. But when Ethan reveals a big secret, her world is suddenly turned upside down, stirring up old memories of love and loss. Completely torn apart, she boards a plane to Hawaii to escape for the summer.

Even though Mila wants to spend her time in paradise in isolation, fate has other plans when it drops sexy local Gage Madden in her lap. Hesitant at first, she agrees to let him take the reins on her island exploration. As Mila discovers the wonders of Oahu with Gage, it becomes harder for her to fight the budding attraction between them.

But behind the curtain of island adventures and undeniable chemistry, trouble is brewing where Mila least expects it. Secrets begin to bubble to the surface that could destroy her all over again. Will Mila find her paradise? Or will she leave Hawaii with another broken heart?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble


We’re not at this café for a normal lunch between a boyfriend and his loyal girlfriend. No, my dear, we’re here for an ambush. A bombshell. A catastrophic turn of events that’s about to turn my uneventful life upside down. And I’m supposed to have words at this point to speak? What are words?


Ethan utters my name, but I can’t peel my gaze away from the image in front of me. My tunnel vision is focused on the small grayscale picture he slid towards me with guilty eyes a few minutes ago. The picture next to the Cobb salad that will never be eaten and next to the iced tea covered in condensation dripping down the glass, crying for me.

The picture is actually perfectly clear. They say it’s hard to make out anything but blobs of gray in these things, that you can’t see much at this point. But they say a lot of things, like that love conquers all, and all you need is love. Whoever they are, they are full of shit.

I can see everything in the picture so perfectly. The tiny button nose, the delicate fingers, the rounded belly. I can make it all out just fine.

The baby in the ultrasound picture in front of me belongs to my boyfriend.

But the baby in the ultrasound picture doesn’t belong to me.


Author Bio:

V.P. Ortiz lives, works, and breathes in sunny/snowy/beautiful Colorado with her loving husband, their two beautiful children, and their three fat cats. While her home may be in the Rocky Mountains, she left her heart somewhere on the island of Oahu, where she plans to retire someday in a tiny house with an avocado tree and free-range chickens. Besides reading any book in sight, her hobbies also include eating, dancing, lip syncing, and occasionally running until her husband has to pick her up eight miles away because she got lost and has a leg cramp.

Learn more at

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