Monday, January 16, 2017

The Man from Grenin by Marc Tizura

It is a celebration in the city state of Kyteia. It is the Fiftieth anniversary of the fall of their enemy city state Grenin. The celebration ends in a panic stricken riot when a man shows up in the clothes from Grenin. He is promptly arrested and interviewed by Lt. Nathaniel Wilkics from the Kyteian army. The Man, as he is known, has no memory of who he is or where he is from. He begins to tell Wilkics a spiraling tale of waking up cold and naked in the abandoned city state of Grenin and what led to his arrest in Kyteia. The story of the ghosts of memory, dragons, a Witch Queen and her undead servants, a forest stuck in the season of fall and the creatures who dwell there.


Then it happened. An apple from seemingly nowhere rolled down the alley striking
the tip of the Man’s boot. He bent down to pick it up and looked up into the face of a
boy no older than six. The boy’s face was contorted into a look of unbelievable
horror and fear. The Man froze and swallowed hard. He raised his finger to his lips in
a shushing gesture.

“MAMA! MAMA!” the boy screamed.

People began to turn towards the alley, towards the boys screams. It was a moment
frozen in time or it seemed that way to the Man. He stood there with the apple in his
hand out stretched to the child. The boy stood there screaming. The people who had
turned stood there with surprised looks on their faces before any of them moved. The
parade had even stopped moving. Then the citizens’ paralysis broke and black
cloaked figures descended on him.

They grabbed him violently and lift him off the ground carrying him into the street to
the parade. He saw looks of sheer bewilderment, of hate, of fear, and of confusion.
He saw the boy’s mother grab him and squeeze him to her breast. He heard their
voices getting louder with the confusion. It felt like he was in some sort of dream. He
didn’t even struggle to get out of their grasp.

They threw him down into the street in front of the float. He landed, but he did not
feel the landing. The coat had done its job at protecting him, so did his skin which
had hardened for other reasons. He turned his head towards the mother and boy.
Watching her pitch the apple down the alley he had been pulled from. He then turned
his head to look up at Crone.

Crone, whose mouth hung slightly agape, took an involuntary step back at the sight of
the Man. The two officers flanking him looked at Crone unsure of what to do their
mouths also hung open. Crone shrugged at the two officers and the two turned their
attention back to the Man on his knees in the street.

The citizens yelled, screamed, pointed and whispered amongst them as Crone raised a
hand. The crowd went silent all attention was focused on Crone, like a pack of trained
seals or dogs the Man had thought.

“General Crone.” The Dictatus spoke from the jumbo-tron.
Crone turned his head to look up at the Dictatus on the screen behind him.

“Arrest that man.” The Dictatus said pointing in the Man’s direction.

Author Bio:
Marc Tizura is a native of Chicago Illinois. Marc Tizura is an actor and writer. Marc Tizura has a B.A. in Theatre from Columbia College.

Taking Turns by J.A. Huss

Taking Turns
J.A. Huss
(Turning #1)
Publication date: January 18th 2017
Genres: Erotica, Romance, Suspense

Chella plays the game of Taking Turns with three men as she comes to terms with her sexuality.

I’ve never been afraid of the dark…but that doesn’t mean I wanted to live in it. And maybe everyone wants what they can’t have, but I should’ve thought it over before I accepted the key and unlocked the door to their forbidden world.

Number One is mostly silent. He watches me with them very carefully. His gaze never wanders. His interest never wanes.

Number Two is mostly gentle. But it’s the other side of him I like best. The wild side.

Number Three is mostly reserved. He refuses to cross the line. Even when I beg.

It was carnal, it was sensual, and it was erotic. That’s it. That’s all it was supposed to be. A trip into the dark. A peek into the forbidden.

I just didn’t expect to like them.

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“You want it hard tonight?” I ask. “You want me to fuck you hard?” I grab her hair and pull, making her upper body lift up off the mattress. My other hand is digging into the flesh just below her hip.

I scoot back and reach under her thighs, drawing them up so she’s on her knees, and press her face into the pillow as I pound her from behind.
“Yeah,” I say, half speaking, half moaning. “You like it like this, don’t you? You let Bric fuck you like this all the time, don’t you?”

I reach around and smack her tit, which makes her yelp. A high-pitched yelp I’m not familiar with. For a second I think I’ve hurt her, and I slow down. But she backs up into me, covering my dick again. Burying it deep inside her. Everything is already so wet. She feels so goddamned good tonight.

“You fucking whore,” I say, letting go of her hair so she falls face-first back into the pillow. “You let Bric fuck you like this, Rochelle? You like the way he slaps you around? Hmm?”

Hell, I like the way Bric slaps her around. And as soon as that thought enters my head I laugh.

“Maybe we’ll do it rough next weekend. You want that? You want us to fuck you hard? Stick our dicks inside you at the same time?”

Another unfamiliar moan.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I say, still kinda laughing. But then I let it go and just… fuck her. I grab onto her ass and do it hard. Pounding her with so much force, her head is inching closer and closer to the headboard of the bed.

I don’t stop when it finally makes it there. I just keep thrusting until the pounding is compounded by the headboard crashing into the wall.

She’s moaning. Close. So fucking close to coming. I reach underneath her body and strum her clit to the rhythm we’re making. She goes wild. Wild like I’ve never seen her before. Writhing, and moaning, and gasping for air.

I draw back, grab her hips, and flip her over, one hand pushing her head aside so her cheek is pressing into the pillow, the other one still playing with her pussy. I watch my dick as it slips in and out, just barely able to make it out in the dim, filtered light from outside.

I grab her hair, so fucking ready to come, and yank her head so she has to look at me. Her eyes are closed, but I don’t care. I press my hand over her mouth and close my eyes too. And then I spill inside her. Throwing my head back to let out a groan of relief.

Her legs are trembling from the exertion. Little spasms as she gasps for breath. I laugh a little as I roll off to the side and wrap my arms around her. “What’s wrong, baby? Too much for you tonight?”

No answer.

I bury my head into her neck and smell her hair.

“Did you get a new shampoo?” I ask. “You smell so different.”

No answer.

“You want a date with Bric on Sunday? Hmm? We can skip Smith if you want.” I kiss her neck and then pull back and open my eyes. Trying to get an idea if she’s up for this kind of fun. It’s been a while so I—

I blink my eyes. Three times, fast.


“I’m sorry,” she says. “I’m sorry—”

But I’m up and out of the bed, fisting her hair and pulling her with me. She drops to the floor, whimpering.

“I’m sorry,” she says again.

“Who the fuck are you?” I ask. “Where the fuck is Rochelle?”

“I’m sorry,” she says. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”


Pre-order it today!
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Author Bio:

JA Huss is the USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her blog, New Adult Addiction (

If you’re interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

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The Beauty (The Beauty & The Thief Series) by Ashlee Taylor


The Beauty

Book Title: The Beauty (The Beauty & The Thief Series) 
Author: Ashlee Taylor 
Genre: Romantic Suspense 
Release Date: January 30, 2017 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb
Art Gallery owner Emmeline Billings vowed to keep her parents legacy alive by helping struggling artists.

Having lived a shell of a life since their passing she finds her true self when other family members show their true colors threatening what she's built.

What she wasn't prepared for was the thief in the night.

Sebastian Stuart has lived a life in the shadows. He's watched Emmeline from those shadows grow into a beautiful woman.

Seeing her living a shell of herself, he's determined to help her. Sebastian re-enters her life when he can no longer stand by and watch.

He does the only thing he knows how to do - steals her heart.




The doorbell rang and the noise resounded through the whole house, I cringed knowing that soon I’d have to be polite and presentable to my parents’ friends. I knew they had a little kid, a girl with a weird sounding name. I just hope she didn’t cry and whine as much as my friend’s little brothers and sisters do.

“Sebastian, can you come down now? Our guests have arrived.” Mom called out and I groaned.

Throwing down the controller of my video game, I trudged down the steps venting my anger with every movement.

“Here he is, Sebastian my boy.” Dad said, his arm outstretched pulling me into a hug. “Sebastian, these are our dearest friends, Cecile and Ezra Billings and their daughter Emmeline.”

“Hello, nice to meet you.”

“Oh Sebastian, you’ve grown up so much since we saw you last, I believe you were our Linnie’s age.” Mrs. Billings commented and I smiled.

“Linnie, darling, this is Sebastian. Can you say hi to Sebastian?”

A little tiny head poked from behind Mr. Billings, a big mess of brown curls came flopping out. Her face lit up as she saw me, as if I was something she’d never seen before. Her eyes were big and the weirdest color I’d ever seen, purple I think. When she stepped around to stand in front of me, I looked down at this little person while she just stared at me.

“Hi Assin.” She said with a wave, causing my parents and hers to laugh.

“Sebastian.” I said. “My name is Sebastian.”

“Assin.” She exclaimed before throwing her arms up in the air and hugging my legs.

“Aww, she likes you Sebastian.” My mother whispered to me before placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Well, I don’t like her.” I mumbled low and under my breath so no one could hear me.
The Beauty


meet the author

Ashlee Taylor has always loved to read. She was practically born with a book in hand. She even wrote short stories and vignettes for fun at age eleven.

As she grew up reading was put to the side but the book Fifty Shades of Grey brought back the love of the written word. Swallowing every book she could get her hands on while befriending authors. Eventually becoming a beta reader and helping authors work out critical scenes and plot progressions.

Through this process, Ashlee decided to write the stories in her head.
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As You Lay Sleeping by Katlyn Duncan

As You Lay Sleeping
Katlyn Duncan
Published by: HQ Digital
Publication date: February 20th 2017
Genres: Thriller, Young Adult

I did it all for you…

Cara’s boyfriend is dead.

When fingers start pointing at her, she knows she’s in more trouble than she originally thought. Because Cara can see that something isn’t right.

As her carefully constructed life begins to crumble, Cara isn’t sure who she is anymore.

But maybe that’s exactly what someone wants her to think…

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Author Bio:

Katlyn Duncan was born and raised in a small town in western Massachusetts. Her overactive imagination involved invisible friends, wanting to be a Disney Princess and making up her own stories. Her bibliophile mom always encouraged her love of reading and that stayed with her ever since. Even though she works full time in the medical field Katlyn has always made time for books, whether she is reading or writing them.

Katlyn now lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and adorable Wheaten Terrier and she is thrilled to finally share her stories with the world.

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Worth the Wait by AJ Pine


by AJ Pine Kingston Ale House #4 Publication Date: January 16, 2017 Genres: Adult, Entangled: Select, Contemporary Romance


Synopsis: I like to think of myself as a man of pleasure…I enjoy a good pint of ale, being in the arms of a beautiful woman, and living by my own rules. The only thing I try to avoid? Commitment. And I’ve got a three-year success rate to prove it. I wasn’t planning on Grace—the beautiful, funny, totally off-limits massage therapist who keeps popping up in my life. She’s on a six-month mission to rid her life of toxins. No alcohol. No red meat. And, yeah, no men. I’m talking full-on man cleanse. I know I should walk away, but I can’t…and the only way to keep her in my life is to live by her rules. I’ll need to prove to a woman who’s lost all trust in men that I’m worthy of her love. And do it all without so much as a single kiss. The only problem? If I win, I’ll lose the one thing I swore I’d never give up. My heart. goodreads-badge-add-38px




Synopsis: She’s holding out for a happy ever after.
Annie I know where to find my happily ever after—between the pages of a romance novel. It’s why I sell books, why I blog about them, and why I’ll never get disappointed by love.So what if my brother’s best friend from high school is now a bestselling author? Or that he just blew back into town on a Harley, filling out a pair of jeans like he never did before? Or that he’s agreed to do a signing at my bookstore on such short notice? Because despite all his adoring female fans, I kind of hated his book.
Wes The last time I saw Annie Denning, she was a senior in high school, three years older than me and way out of my league. Now I’m her last-minute date to a wedding, and what started as a night of pure fun has turned into something more real than either of us anticipated.Annie is my muse. When I’m with her, my writer’s block fades away, and the words finally flow.The only problem? She wants the fairy tale—her very own happily ever after—and anyone who’s read my book knows the truth. I just don’t believe they exist.

Six Month Rule New Cover


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Synopsis: She created the game, but the rules are about to change.

The second I met Will Evans in his three-piece suit with that hot as hell British accent, I wanted him. That is...until he insulted my shoes and stole my corner office. Now I have to work side-by-side with the surly British arsehole who just set my career back six months. It's fine. That accent won't get to me, no matter how sexy it sounds when he asks permission to do things professionals shouldn't do. On the couch. In the corner office I still wish was mine. Maybe we can't keep our hands off each other, but I'm sure as hell not falling for a guy who lives an ocean away. Because in six months, he's leaving for good. I don't do broken hearts, but you know what they say... There's a first time for everything. Each book in the Kingston Ale House series is a standalone, full-length story that can be enjoyed out of order.




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Synopsis: How far will one man go for the woman he's loved since high school?

Jamie Kingston has been Brynn Chandler's best friend since middle school. Only once was their friendship tested—when Brynn gave Jamie a single kiss. Since then, they've had an unspoken agreement never to cross that line again, and she’s ready to let go of the past and move on. But Jamie has loved Brynn for as long as he can remember, and now that he's ready to tell her, she has her sights set on someone else. Knowing this is his last chance, he asks Brynn to go on a two-week road trip. But their time alone brings old hurts to the surface, and Brynn has to decide if the one that got away lies at the end of the journey or if he's been by her side all along.




AJ Pine writes stories to break readers’ hearts, but don’t worry—she’ll mend them with a happily ever after. As an English teacher and a librarian, AJ has always surrounded herself with books. All her favorites have one big commonality–romance. Naturally, her books have the same. When she’s not writing, she’s of course reading. Then there’s online shopping (everything from groceries to shoes) and, of course, a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires and superheroes. And in the midst of all of this, you’ll also find her hanging with her family in the Chicago burbs.

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Chasing Casey (Release) with Jane Anthony

Title: Chasing Casey
Author: Jane Anthony
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Marisa Shor at Cover Me Darling
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
Casey Grainger is not only the epitome of the girl next door, she’s the girl of my dreams. The blonde bombshell of a bartender who watches me with sky blue eyes, smiles with the sweetest dimples, and whose laughter is as melodic as chimes.
She stole my heart the way sunlight sneaks up on the day. Then a death in her family took her away from me. Now my heart lives in Texas while my body rots in New Jersey. As if that’s not bad enough, the ranch hand on her family’s farm is her damned ex-fiancé.
Austin still loves her, and he’s made it known. So Casey has a choice to make. It’s either him or me, but I’m far too stubborn to give up the fight.
That’s the one upside to having nothing left -- I have nothing left to lose.
I don’t date musicians -- I don’t date period -- yet I find myself drawn to the dark and broody sound tech, whose wailing drum beats thump in time with the cadence of my heart. Beneath the arrogant grin and cocky one-liners, AJ Morello is a lonely man, burdened by the choices he’s made. But, he’s not the only one with regrets.
Mine goes by the name of Austin Krehley.
After seven years away, there’s still a connection. A tiny spark that slowly builds to a burning flame the longer I stay.
Two completely different men both hold two completely different pieces of my heart, but I can’t have them both.
A sexy country boy and a sultry rocker -- how’s a girl to choose?
Jane Anthony is a romance author, fist pumping Jersey-girl, and hard rock enthusiast. She resides in the 'burbs of New Jersey with her husband and children.  A lover of Halloween, vintage cars, & coffee, she’s also a cornucopia of useless 80's knowledge and trivia. When not writing, she's an avid reader, concert goer, and party planner extraordinaire.
Jane loves hearing from her readers! Connect with her on these social media sites, and don't be too shy to say hello!
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