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As if being banished wasn’t punishment enough.
Seb introduces her to Trystin, a fairy from the nearby
fairy forest. Trystin discerns her secret right away and promises to teach her
how to use the powers given to her by the very thing she’s fighting to keep

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Top Ten List:
1. Doug—not the cartoon
character, but the man I love. He’s what I look forward to the most each day.
2. My family—I can’t imagine
my life without these people who mean the world to me.
3. My dog, Phoebe—she’s
always over-the-moon happy to see me, and loves me no matter what.
4. My friends—I am lucky
enough (and smart enough) to have amassed a collection of really fun, sweet,
supportive, loving friends. (This includes my writing group, The Wigz.)
5. Old-time movies and radio
shows—currently I’ve been listening to the old Jack Benny show. J-E-L-L-O!
6. Dark chocolate—I even
pretend it’s healthy for me.
7. Indian food—particularly
from a local restaurant called Bombay House. It’s the bomb (haha).
8. Thai coconut soup—with
chicken and lemongrass, I actually crave
this on a regular basis.
9. Hot chocolate—particularly
from Beans and Brews, made with almond milk. Also, my own copycat recipe. (I
also just noticed there’s a lot of food on this list.)
10.Writing. That goes without
saying, right? I love creating characters and worlds that I can immerse myself
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