Thursday, December 15, 2016

All Jazzed Up by Tracy Ellen


All Jazzed Up is Book One in a brand new series by Tracy Ellen-- Love, Lies, & Ninja Missions. 

A stand-alone novel, this is Jazy Axelrod’s provocatively sexy, uproariously funny, and endearingly hot love story!

Jazy is freaking out. But waking up one day to the realization she’s fallen in love for the first time in her life with a man-whore, who also happens to be her best guy friend, would be enough to freak any girl out. Even worse, Jazy has to face the difficult fact her love is totally one-sided because the wealthy, incredibly scrumptious Max Byrd is just not into her that way. To Max, she’s his best, and only, platonic girl friend.

But Max has problems, too. He suspects another woman is trying to trap him into marriage for his money by claiming she’s having his baby. Max begs Jazy to help him out by quickly marrying him first. After entering a secret marriage of convenience with Max, the outspoken, straight-shooting Jazy is caught up in a whirlwind of lies posing as Max's loving wife, while inside she’s dying from the frustrated, sizzling desire for her pretend husband, denied by their no sex agreement.

About to go insane, Jazy takes control. After all, she is a horse-whispering, Celtic Cursing, potion-mixing, sex-loving Axelrod woman! There’s nothing an Axelrod woman can't accomplish if she sets her mind to the task, and Jazy wants Max. Armed with determination and her unique talents, can Jazy seduce the cynical playboy in just a few short weeks to believe in her and happily-ever-after? Or does Jazy learn real love needs no convincing?


A Pretend Marriage…

Gaze intent on my face, Max quirked a brow in weary amusement. “Look, I know what I’m asking you to do is underhanded and somewhat nuts, but doesn’t my continued mental health count for something?”

I laughed shortly, shaking my head. “So, let me be sure I’ve got this right. Instead of you being shanghaied by your mother into a marriage you don’t want, you want to shanghai me into marriage I don’t want to protect you?”

“Yes,” Max replied succinctly, not even having the grace to look a little bit embarrassed

“My God, such a deal.” I rolled my eyes and tugged to release my hand from his warm grasp.

“Thanks a helluva lot for putting me on the spot. As a wedding gift, can I expect to be bitch-slapped by your mother, too?”

“Ah, Jaz, you can take Angela.” Max flashed his killer grin. “Besides, your sentence will only be for a few months, not for life.” His voice lowered huskily. “I’d never ask something like this of you if it wasn’t vitally important. Will you help me?” He squeezed my hand and entreated, “Please?”

I’d known the moment it was uttered Max’s proposal was fake, but the last little flame of hope fluttering inside me had died at his explanation. Ruthlessly, I stomped out any lingering sparks that

Max and I would ever go out on a real date.

Max hadn’t coerced me into falling in love or broken any promises. My hurt feelings were the direct result of taking a known womanizer seriously, something I knew all to well a woman with a speck of self-preservation should never do.

I accept Max is sometimes a dickhead. But he’s also my dickhead friend‑‑nothing more, nothing less.

Still, pretending to be married for real to Max in the name of friendship for a few months, when I’d just vowed to get over him, would be a special kind of torture.

Am I that big of a masochist?

Or could accepting Max’s fake marriage proposal in the name of friendship be my chance to prove, once and for all, that I am willing to forgive, forget, and finally get the fuck over his ass?

Tracy Ellen was born in Indiana to middle-class parents, the third out of five hellions. She’s lived in the Midwest her whole life--in a small town, on a farm, and in the big city. Currently, she resides in the suburbs of St Paul, Minnesota with her incredibly tolerant, awesome husband and family. Always an avid reader of all genres, her writing career began in 2012 with the debut of A Date with Fate, a blend of contemporary-romance/ romantic suspense / and romantic comedy. Tracy’s goal as a writer will always be to create worlds readers can’t wait to dive into for a few hours of fun and excitement. She thrives on trying to come up with the witty banter, steamy love scenes, pulse-throbbing action, and belly-laughing humor her reader fans have come to love and expect in her novels. Please let Tracy know how she’s doing!

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CELEBRATE: A Love Brothers Holiday Anthology by Liz Crowe & Others


Book Title: Celebrate! A Love Brothers Holiday Anthology 
Authors: Liz Crowe, Desiree Holt, Lexi Post, Kate Richards, Cecilia Aubrey & Chris Almeida, Deanndra Hall, Melissa Keir, Mia Koutras, Deelylah Mullin, Anne L. Parks, Paige Prince, Melissa Robitille, Jamie Salisbury, M.A. Stone, Lacey Wolfe 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: December 15, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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Click through to check out the Book Trailer 

book blurb
CELEBRATE with the Love Brothers this holiday season!

Join 16 best-selling, award winning authors as they bring their own unique stories to this critically acclaimed, Amazon best-selling, family saga-style romance series by Liz Crowe.

Everything from breweries, wineries, distilleries and race car drivers, to EMTs, Olympic athletes, cops, and serious second chances—PLUS a brand new Love Brothers story from Liz herself—can be found in this amazing collection of novellas from some of your favorite romance story-tellers.

Available December 15, 2016 everywhere ebooks are sold, the CELEBRATE Anthology is the perfect holiday romance reading treat—and is only around for a limited time.

Don’t miss your chance to feel the holiday love—Love Brothers style!


meet the author

Liz Crowe

With stories set in the not-so-common worlds of breweries, on the soccer pitch, in successful real estate offices and at times in exotic locales like Istanbul, Turkey, Liz Crowe books are unique and told with a fresh voice. Her 30-book backlist has something for any reader seeking complex storylines with humor and complete casts of characters that will delight, frustrate and linger in the imagination long after the book is finished.

Desiree Holt

A multi-published, award winning, Amazon and USA Today best-selling author, Desiree Holt has produced more than 200 titles and won many awards. She has received an EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and many others including Author After Dark’s Author of the Year. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The London Daily Mail. She lives in Florida with her cats who insist they help her write her books, and is addicted to football.

Lexi Post

Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of romance inspired by the classics. She spent years in higher education teaching courses about the classical literature she loved, but romance was her first love. So she married them. From hot paranormals to sizzling cowboys to hunks from out of this world, Lexi provides a sensuous experience with a “whole lotta story.”

Kate Richards

Kate Richards divides her time between Los Angeles and the High Sierras. She would gladly spend all her days in the mountains, but she’d miss the beach…and her very supportive husband’s commute would be three hundred miles. Wherever she is, she loves to explore all different kinds of relationships in her stories. She doesn’t believe one-size-fits-all, and whether her characters live BDSM, ménage, GLBT, spanking, or any other kind of lifestyle, it’s the love, the joy in one another, that counts.

Chris Almeida and Cecilia Aubrey

Six years ago, our paths crossed in a most serendipitous way: through online role play. As funny as it may sound, we were “married/mated” by the group’s owner and from day one, we knew we just clicked. After a few months of writing some pretty hot fanfiction, we decided it was time to write about our own characters. Without a second thought, we embarked on this (crazy) joint writing adventure and Chris Almeida & Cecilia Aubrey were born. Since then, we have written 15 books in our Countermeasure Series (Romantic Suspense), and a novella in the A.W.E. Crew Series (Military Romance) published in Desiree Holt's Omega Team Kindle World and plan to write our own brand of hot & spicy romance for many years to come. You can find out more about us and our books here:

Deanndra Hall

Deanndra Hall writes stories in a world she knows well, with characters that are as fun, kinky, and crazy as she is. Although she’s an international bestselling author, she works and lives in far western Kentucky with her partner of 30+ years and three crazy little dogs. She's written for business, industry, religious institutions, non-profits, and owned her own graphic design business, as well as working as a fiber and textile artist. Her personal best was 26,000 words in one day, but she advises against that - it took her the next three days to pry her swollen eyes open. When she's not writing, she can be found working out at the local gym, hiking, kayaking, reading (of course), or working on a healthy recipe. And wherever she is, chocolate is sure to be nearby.

Melissa Keir

Melissa Keir has always wanted to be an author when she wasn’t hoping for a career as a race car driver. Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy. Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a book reviewer, owner of a publishing company as well as an author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without Alice. She loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting her next story.

Mia Koutras

Mia Koutras lives in the Greater Toronto Area with her wonderful husband and two amazing children. When she’s not educating students on the brilliant imagery and symbolism in Shakespeare’s great tragedies—while they not so covertly tap away on their cell phones to make plans for lunch and after school—she’s concocting story lines and character sketches in her head, just waiting for the moment to commit them to paper and hard drive. Mia can be found online at:

Deelylah Mullin Deelylah Mullin began her writing journey as a child. Since Fourth Grade Writers' Group, high school creative writing classes, and even more creative writing in college (the first time), she's been working to hone her craft and tell her stories. Back in the day, those stories used to be horror. Now, they're diverse in genre, but almost always with a romantic twist. She’s spent twenty-four years teaching high school and college English/composition courses, professionally edited since 2012, and is in semi-retirement to chase her own dreams.

Anne L. Parks

Anne L. Parks is the author of nine books, including the Return To Me series, and the Tri-Stone Trilogy. Married to the Navy - well a Commander in the Navy – with a background in law, it’s not surprising she was drawn to writing romantic suspense and legal thrillers. Currently residing in the Washington D.C. area, she loves spending time reading, doing yoga, mountain biking, and keeping track of four kids. And drinking wine.

Paige Prince

Paige Prince is the alter ego of Rhyann Harris, erotic romance author, editor, drinker of coffee, and binger of Netflix. Based in a suburb of Houston, Texas, Paige is happily married to her very own romance hero, and they’re raising their very own little heroine. Or hellraiser. They’re not entirely sure which side she’s chosen yet.

Melissa Robitille

Melissa Robitille is an author, editor, book formatter & cover designer, and when that doesn’t keep her busy enough she also designs websites, cooks, sings along to everything and dances, too. She writes everything speculative fiction - fantasy, science fiction, horror, paranormal romance, paranormal noir, urban fantasy, you name it - and will have 2 novellas in boxed sets as well as 4 short stories in anthologies under her own name this year alone, as well as several books published under pen names.

Jamie Salisbury

Writing romance stories with passion and sass, Jamie Salisbury has seen several of her books soar to #1 on Amazon. She’s written as long as she can remember. Her books are all self published. Music, traveling and history are among her passions when not writing. Her previous career in public relations in and around the entertainment field has afforded her with a treasure trove of endless story ideas.

M.A. Stone

M.A. Stone has had magical stories in her head, ever since she was a little girl devouring her favorite Stephen King or Laurell Hamilton novel; she figured if they could write up amazing stories about amazing people and places, well then so could she. She’s had three books published so far, a short story in a novella and is set to release books four and five in the next year. When’s she’s not arguing with her characters or figuring out storylines in the shower, she’s raising up her four AMAZING (and interesting ) children, binge watching stuff on Hulu, making blankets and trying to schedule date nights with the love of her life. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her family, her overly-emotional pitt bull, a flock chickens named after characters from the movie Friday, and a duck named Ricky. You can reach her at:

Lacey Wolfe

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. Her goal as an author is to have a romance for everyone, whether it’s sweet, sensual, or spicy. She’s had several books on the Amazon best seller lists. When she isn’t writing, she can be found running, talking to her pets, spending time with her family, or lost in some sort of craft. She takes kindly to anyone who feeds her cookies. Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their herd of cats, and one black lab who rules the house.

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Fall with Me (Sixth Street Bands #2) by Jayne Frost


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Book Title: Fall With Me (A Sixth Street Bands Novella) 
Author: Jayne Frost 
Genre: Romance 
Release Date: December 15, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

As the bassist for the band Caged, the last three years have been one, long non-stop party. Sure, I’ve had some regrets. Everyone does. But getting trapped in a relationship isn’t one of them. I know good and well what happens when the attraction fades. I’ve seen it first hand. Love is a zero sum game, so why play? As long as I'm upfront about my feelings, no one gets hurt. Besides, I'm never in one place long enough to worry about tomorrow.

That is, until the band decided to take an extended hiatus in our hometown. That’s when I met Melody Sullivan. She’s the full-package. Whip smart and beautiful, with enough determination to take on anything life has in store. And the best part? Melody shares my philosophy on the fleeting nature of attraction. She doesn’t buy into the whole “happily ever after” crap anymore than I do. We’re perfect for each other. For now. And now is all I want.

With the expectations off the table, I can let my guard down and enjoy her company until the spark dies. And we both know it will. In a week, or a month. But until then, we’ll just keep having fun. The good kind, with lots of sex and no strings attached. And when it’s time to move on, we will. No drawn out goodbyes and no remorse.

That’s the plan, at least.






meet the author
I guess I should start with the basics: the backstory. I was born and raised in California. At this point, I’m usually asked what it was like to grow up near the beach, but sadly, I don’t know. I grew up in the “other” part of California. Perfect for an aspiring writer, if you ask me. You learn a lot about keeping yourself busy when the nearest house is a mile away…and it belongs to your grandparents.

I spent all my time with my nose in a book, living vicariously through the characters, until I wrote a book of my own. I was ten at the time. It was a scintillating piece that cast the family pet as the protagonist.

By the time I went to high school, I moved on to romance. Why? Because I met my very own prince charming. I wrote love poems in my journal about the green-eyed boy who stole my heart. He promised, the way all storybook heroes do, to sweep me away and take me on a grand adventure. And he did.

We picked up and moved to the Lone Star State and began the story of us. The best stories begin without a road map or a compass. Veering off course makes the journey so much more interesting.

True to form, just when I thought my life was set, we started the next adventure. I traded in my cowboy boots and followed my green-eyed boy to Las Vegas. My home will always be in Texas, but my heart is anywhere that he is. Our beautiful daughter made the journey with us. Our son stayed in Texas, to write his own story.

Somehow, in the midst of the chaos that is our life, I find time to write. Writing is what I love. I might stray from romance every now and then if that is what moves me…but I always come back. Some of the stories don’t seem romantic at all. They are gritty stories about flawed characters that find each other and hold on tight. Those are the stories that speak to me. Because that’s life. I believe that every story should have a happy ending—even the difficult ones.
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