Monday, June 19, 2017

Pneuma Series by Serena Kearney

Pneuma Series Book 1
by Serena Kearney
Genre: SciFi, Supernatural Romance

Estelle Caldwell caused a war with her birth.

Estelle Caldwell has friends, family...everything a girl could ask for. But as she looks back on her life andher birthday approaches, weird things start to happen.
Questions are left unanswered. Her feelings are starting to become clear for the one she's been in love with her whole life.
People she knows start to become strangers to her.
She has to leave to protect them... to protect... him

the vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person.

Do you know what it feels like to hold fate in your hand?
Was it fate that my whole life got turned upside down?
He was the reason I had to leave.
Making the sacrifice caused my heart to rip in two.
I wanted normalcy. I wanted my life to be my own.
But it's nothing without the people I love, and it's for
the people I love that I have to leave.
Fate. Please be kind.
Will he still remember me?
Will our first and last kiss be one and the same?
Please remember.
Please be with me.

Family is tested.
Memories are everywhere.
Love is one of the biggest reliefs and hurts you can have at the same time.

**FREE on Amazon!**

Pneuma Series Book 2

***The continuation from Book One- Pneuma***

Follow Estelle and Reed's journey in Book Two- Surge.

1. a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep.
2. a strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something.


When I find out our link isn’t complete, we have a whole other journey to discover. 
Through pain, sweat, and a full out war between the planets, it is laid, not only on my shoulders, but Reeds as well.
And when I find out who Vega has captured and what he has in store for us, I am going to need everyone’s help in the process.
Can I do what I am fated to do?
Will our love survive?
Or will it be a tornado destroying everything in it’s path?

Pneuma Series Book 3


A pair of beings who have formed an unbreakable, metaphysical link. They often experience heightened levels of ESP, including telepathy, telekinesis, and remote viewing.


The first place I called home.
The place I lived.
The place I fell in love. The place my family raised me. The place I formed everlasting bonds.
Can I ignore the ache in my chest when all I see through their eyes is hate and built up hostility?
When I think I am done with one war, I have another to deal with.
Can I do this?
Will I be brave enough?
Reed gives me strength.
Earth is my home.
I will save it.

I am a Leo. Born August 10, living on the east coast. I self-published my first novel, PNEUMA, November 2014, and it's hasn't stopped since.

One of my biggest problems was having too much to read. Now my newfound problem; having too much to write and not enough hands to type it out. Not enough brains to put the stories together fast enough. Not enough tea or coffee to keep me awake 24/7.

So, like every normal person, I have to take it one day at a time.

My cravings for sweets keep me going, any sort of cakes (especially red velvet), pies, cookies, and ice cream.
I have a cat named Bongo-Bongo, who loves to get in my way when I'm trying to work, but is too cute for me to fight him off.
And then I have my family, specifically my husband, who puts up with my endless nights, my tapping of the keyboard, my ridiculous imagination, and yet, he always encourages me to believe in myself and follow my dreams.

Follow the tour HERE!

The Matchmaking Game by Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch, author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” is a hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, the force that drove her to write and publish seventeen historical romance titles, to date. She is a multi-award winner, a sought-after workshop presenter, and juggles multiple volunteer positions as well as her six children. Also a music lover, she sings and plays the harp, and she loves to ballroom dance. She and her family recently transplanted from her native Arizona to the Pacific Northwest where she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

Connect with the Author here: 

"From the publisher of the USA TODAY bestselling & #1 Amazon bestselling Timeless Romance Anthology series in Clean & Wholesome Romance, comes the Timeless Romance Singles line.

THE MATCHMAKING GAME: A brand new historical romance novella from bestselling author Donna Hatch.

Rowena’s childhood friend, Evan, has returned home from war a handsome, but mysterious stranger. In an effort to bring happiness to her father, not to mention uncover the Evan she remembers from their youth, Rowena seeks to unite their parents. Who better to match a lonely widow and widower together than their adoring children? Her matchmaking game could help their parents find happiness and draw out her childhood friend buried beneath Evan’s new reserve … or it could break more than one heart."

Top Ten List :

1. I like cats–kittens are even more fun.

2. Some days I’d rather dress up and have a tea party, or curl up with a good book, than write.

3. Every morning after I get the children off to school, I go for a long walk. (At least, that’s always the goal.)

4. Due to moves in my childhood, I attended 9 different schools. Being the new kid isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

5. I love chocolate. Dove chocolates have seen me through many brutal revisions. Chocolate-covered strawberries are a frequent reward for completing a draft.

6. I love cheesecake almost as much as she loves chocolate–chocolate cheesecake is even better. Salted caramel is a close second. Caramel-chocolate cheesecake, anyone?

7. Currently I am juggling: a new novella, a new Regency trilogy, and book 5 of the Rogue Hearts series.

8. I am severely claustrophobic, which is exactly why, when I had to give my super-warrior weapons master, Kai Darkwood in her fantasy Queen in Exile, some flaw or fear, I chose claustrophobia for his–I understand it.

9. I love to ballroom dance. LOVES.

10. I also love bodies of water of any kind–ocean, river, lake, stream, waterfall, swimming pool, backyard garden pond. It does something for my soul. This is partly why I recently moved from the Arizona desert to Washington State. I even loves water when it’s falling from the sky. My mother and husband have both speculated I might be part mermaid.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

The Spring Rose Bay Series by Kate L Jessop

Title: Found by You & Unworthy of You ~ The Spring Rose Bay Series
Author: Kate L Jessop
Re-Release Date: June 29th, 2017
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series #1) (Revised edition)
Photographer: Lindee Robinson Photography
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs
Models: JJ Butts and Stephanie McCauley

You can be the strongest amongst many but it only takes one person to break you. Each year I end it thinking a change is going to come. It had to come.

Only the last eight years I’ve clearly offended the devil somehow as he’s decided to pile some form of crap on my shoulders since the year I turned eighteen. Loss, betrayal, fears - I have been through it all. Life can change in an instance, ripping out your heart and soul and leaving you the shell of the person you once were. A shell that simply cannot be fixed.

After years of suffering from the loss of her mother and the betrayal of two men, Amelia thought she was damaged for life. Ruled by anxieties and self-help remedies of Tequila chasers with her best friend, Amelia settled into her new life at the coast and a job she loved.

Men were never again on her radar. They hurt her in every possible way. That was until she found herself in the arms of a stranger. His generosity was foreign to her; his ability to make her trust was overwhelming.

Finally, as her life took a turn for the better, Amelia could see a future and a possibility of a happy ending she so desperately craved.
However, like her past, everything changes in an instant, and how would she survive if it should come crashing down around her.

Available on #KindleUnlimited

Pinterest Board:

Found By You.
Copyright © 2016 K.L.Jessop
All rights reserved.

He takes two strides towards the door and I feel a little triumphant that I’ve won this battle, only it’s short lived. He slams it shut and thrusts me against it, our lips a breath a part as he locks his eyes on mine and places his arms either side of my head to cage me in. My body stiffens instantly. His voice is low. “Do you have any idea how sexy you are when flustered? The way your neck turns every shade of pink and your eyes dart everywhere.”
“It’s people like you that make me flustered.”

His brows furrow as his eyes search over my face. “Do I intimidate you, Amelia?”

“What do you want from me?” I whisper in a rush.

He studies me for a few seconds before he speaks. “I have rules too. First: I never lie. Giving you wrong information about me and not telling you the whole truth are two completely different things altogether. And second: I go out with who I want regardless of who they are or where they work. You intrigue me, Amelia, there’s something about you I want.”

“You’re a man. All you want is a free pass to a woman’s panties,” I hiss. My mind is in spirals from his words, and his proximity is too much. My own panties are most likely ruined as my body fails me from loving every goddamn part of this. I’m craving his lips to touch mine—to whisk me away from normality just like they did the first time.
“If a free pass was on offer right now, I’d rather have it to get to know you. I think you’d want that too—to be freed from whatever lies behind those eyes.”

“You don’t know anything about me!” I snap. My legs quiver as my body fights hard against my emotions. I’m clearly easier to read than I thought and if he knows of my want for freedom, what else does my body language tell him?
“I know enough. I want to know the real Amelia Weston,” he murmurs as I swallow down the ball of tears that’s on the verge of spilling.

“Well, you’re out of luck. She fucked off a long time ago.”


Unworthy Of You (The Spring Rose Bay Series #2)

Photographer: Lindee Robinson Photography
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs
Models: Andrew Kruczynski and Chelsey Nicole

Life has a way of bringing you down when you least expect it; it can leave you vulnerable and lost, no matter your age.
For years, I've lived inside a world filled with darkness and demons. Trapped by grief and solitude, I've surrounded myself with work and privacy, thinking that's all I've needed.
Then, one night, she changes everything.
One ridiculous drinking game...
One extraordinary kiss...
I want her in my bed—I just have to find a way to prevent it from happening, because I don't deserve to share my world with another.
I don't deserve to fall this hard.

Pinterest Board:

Unworthy of You
Copyright © 2016 K.L.Jessop
All rights reserved.

I shouldn’t even be contemplating what my mind is thinking right now because there’s a reason why I keep a wall between my work and home life, but before I have chance to stop myself, I bend down and pick up her bags.
“What are you doing?” she asks.

I continue to walk towards the car park.


Taking the key fob from my jacket pocket, I unlock my black Audi, opening the boot before placing her bags in. “Get in the car.”

“Why?” she questions.

“Is that really a question you need to ask? You’re staying with me.”

She doesn’t seem too enthusiastic. She doesn’t even look thankful. Instead her stance instantly reverts to that confident blonde that’s never too far away as she stands with her hands on her hips. “You treat me like shit, Andrew,” she says, eyes wide and full of fire. “Our friends are getting married, for Christ sake, and you treat me like absolute fucking shit!”

“I know. I treat everyone like that.”

“No, just me.”

She’s right, and I loathe myself for it, but it’s just too easy with her sometimes. I exhale, wanting to try and make up for the way I’ve been. “Will you please just get in and let me help you?”

“No. I don't need your pity.”

I’m surprised at how calm I am considering she’s being so fucking awkward. “I’m sure you don’t, but you do need a bed for the night and as much of an arsehole as you think I am, I'm not going to see you out on the street when I have a spare room. Now get in the car before I make you walk.”

“I don’t need your charity either.”

“Get in the car, Megan.” Our eyes hold each other’s in a fixed stare. She’s protesting. The woman even has the nerve to tap her foot. “Jesus, do you want me to drag you? Because I will. Now. Get. In. The. Car!”

She lets out a sharp huff and stomps to the vehicle like some stroppy teen that’s just had her phone taken off her, getting in and slamming the door. I shake my head and exhale as I look up at the stars wondering what the hell I’ve just let myself in for. “So, help me, God.”

Getting in, I fasten her seatbelt, tugging it tight to make her gasp. “There, that wasn’t so difficult, was it?” I say in a sarcastic tone that makes her brows rise.

“I still think you’re an arsehole.” 

“Yeah, and you’re still the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met.”

Kate has lived in South West England her entire life just on the edge of Dartmoor where the moorland goes on for days. It's beautiful, breath-taking and occasionally rather wet.
She is a dyslexic author and finds things challenging which often leads to banging her head against the wall or searching for vodka.

Kate loves anything creative, her college years were spent in the art room, she has numerous qualifications in advanced nail art and as well as writing her passion is photography.
She probably swears way more than she should and must be the only woman in history to hate clothes shopping. I know, right?!