Saturday, December 9, 2017

Swept Off My Feet by Author Ines Bautista-Yao

Ines Bautista-Yao is the author of One Crazy Summer, What’s in your Heart, Only A Kiss, When Sparks Fly, All That Glitters, and Someday With You. She has also written several short stories. Among them are “Plain Vanilla,” “A Captured Dream,” one of the four short stories in Sola Musica: Love Notes from a Festival, “Things I’ll Never Say,” part of the Summit Books anthology Coming of Age, and “Before the Sun Rises,” part of the Ateneo University Press anthology Friend Zones. 

She is the former editor-in-chief of Candy and K-Zone magazines and a former high school and college English and Literature teacher. She is also a wife and mom who lives in the Philippines with her husband and two little girls. Her books are available digitally on Amazon and

Connect with the Author here: 

Why my life sucks
by Geri Lazaro

1. My dad left when I was a kid.
2. My mom is in love (insert eye roll).
3. With a guy who is like 10 years younger than her!
4. My friends think he’s hot. (Gross)
5. I love ballet but our dance studio has a leak and we have to dance in this smelly studio that doubles as an aikido dojo.
6. There’s this Dojo guy who thinks the studio belongs to him.
7. Friends think Dojo guy is cute. (Ew.) (Okay, objectively maybe but still, ew.)
8. I’m failing algebra.
9. Need to quit either basketball or ballet. Or both.
10. Dojo guy keeps showing up! (Fine, he does aikido in the same building but whatever.)
11. Dojo guy is asking me to dance with him. And maybe he is as cute as my friends say.
12. I don't know what to do anymore! 


“Did you see him?” My ballet classmate Helena, whose hair was always in a perfect bun without a single strand out of place, floated over to me, pink skirts flapping up and down in her rush. 


 “This guy! I can’t believe you didn’t see him when you entered.” Then her bright, excited expression fell. “Oh, Geri, I hope you weren’t wearing your basketball outfit when you arrived.” 

I pulled her phone closer so I could study the image on it. I blinked when I saw who it was. It was Dojo guy. He was talking to someone else in a martial arts kimono too. A girl with long hair cascading down her back. So there was no question of who Helena had just stalked in that photo. I put Helena’s phone back in her hand and wrinkled my nose. “Ew. Yeah. We kinda got into an argument.” I saw her eyes widen. “And yeah, I was wearing my basketball clothes.” 

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Christmas Collection from Candid Designs
Candid Designs Tour Graphic
Candid Designs wishes to be part of your Christmas celebration cheer this year with our timely, funny yet lovable shirts.
Choose from a variety of designs specifically crafted to lighten the mood this holiday season:
- Reveal a playful and naughty side within you,
- Profess your love for books throughout the holidays,
- Or simply have our loveable Miso kitty accompany you to parties and gatherings.
Whatever you decide, we wish you the jolliest of seasons!
Oh, our shirts make for perfect gifts too. Beat the crowd and get it online. Check them out today.

Available Designs

Christmas Themed Tees

Miso Cant Wait for Christmas
Miso Can't Wait For Christmas
$12.99 (SRP: $18.99)
Special offer ends Dec 12.
For Men, Women, Youth. Available in Baby Blue, Black, Cranberry, Pink, Silver
Naughty But Nice
Naughty But Nice
$12.99 (SRP: $18.99)
Special offer ends Dec 12.
For Men, Women. Available in Black, Blue, Pink, Cranberry, Baby Blue
Booked for Christmas
Booked For Christmas
$12.99 (SRP: $18.99)
Special offer ends Dec 12.
For Men, Women, Youth. Available in Black, Cranberry, Pink, Purple, Orange
All I Want for Christmas is Books
All I Want For Christmas Is Books
$12.99 (SRP: $18.99)
Special offer ends Dec 12.
For Men, Women, Youth. Available in Black, Navy, Olive, Pink, Silver
Naughty But Worth It
Naughty But Worth It
$15.99 (SRP: $18.99)
Offer while supplies last.
For Men, Women, Youth. Available in Baby Blue, Black, Navy, Olive, Asphalt, Pink