Saturday, January 14, 2017

Taming Marco, designed by Cover To Cover Designs

Taming Marco
Alexis James
(The Moran Family #2)
Publication date: February 14th 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Playing the field does have its perks.

Hot…passionate….naked perks.

Marco Moran knows all about those perks. Wealthy, successful, and fully committed to being single, he’s content strolling through life with numerous women traipsing in and out of his bed. Unapologetic, he embraces the life of a single man, doing all he can to avoid tying himself down.

Amita Morales has a mediocre life….a decent job, a car that runs, a boyfriend she tries convincing herself is worth staying with, even though any love she might have felt for him died years before. Meeting Marco Moran is nothing more than an inconvenience, and yet their attraction to one another is undeniable.

When Amita is suddenly single, everything changes. For the first time in years, her future is open to possibility and happiness. But friendship is the name of the game for Marco and Amita. The committed bachelor in him will gladly settle for friends with benefits, but even he is surprised at their off the charts chemistry. Will she be able to tame this wild playboy? Or will she have to reconcile herself to a life with a man who is determined to remain unattached?

This, the 2nd novel in The Moran Family series, can be read as a standalone, though these characters are introduced in book 1, “Saving Cruz”.

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Author Bio:

Alexis James lives on the beautiful Central California coast. When she’s not spending time with her hubby of almost 30 years or her amazing kids, you can find her tapping away on the computer. She loves reading, spending time with family, reading, camping, reading….and writing too! She enjoys a good date night, an inexpensive glass of wine, and any story that can make her smile and/or cry.

Alexis’s first novel, “Losing Faith”, was released in September 2014. Her second novel, “Loving Emma”, is a standalone, though it does feature some characters from “Losing Faith”.

She invites you to visit her author pages on Facebook and Goodreads, and her website: You can also follow her on Twitter (@alexisjames27) or you can email her at:

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The Missing Heir of Mandralay by Author Braden Bell

Brandon Gray is the pen name of Braden Bell (Brandon writes YA fiction; Braden writes for middle grades). Braden holds a Ph.D. from New York University. He and his family live on a quiet, wooded lot in Tennessee, where he teaches middle school theatre and music. An experienced performer, Braden enjoys reading, gardening, and long summer afternoons writing in his hammock. His most notable skill is being able to eat a full rack of BBQ ribs with one hand on long drives.

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A heartless monster; an innocent girl. He holds her life in his paws, but she holds his soul in her hands.

Twelve-year old Tallie knows she shouldn’t break Mother Kyraisa’s rule and summon the lights again. But she does it anyway. When Mother Kyraisa catches Tallie, the ancient nun evacuates the orphanage, ordering it burned immediately. She then crams Tallie into a lead-lined coffin and flees into the desert, whipping the horse the whole way.

With no memories, no heart, or even a name, X is a monster. Fiercest of the Bestials, his predator’s instincts are controlled only by powerful spells binding his life to the Regent’s will. When a flash of apostate magic betrays the hiding place of the late Queen’s daughter, the Regent dispatches X to kill the child—her niece and the long-hidden heir to the throne.

Following the child’s magic, X tracks Tallie to her hiding place. He prepares to kill her, until Tallie surprises him with a sincere request for help.

Tallie’s innocence and trust awaken a small spark of humanity inside X, and he tries to help her. But he remains a monster, bound by instinct and unbreakable oaths. Helping Tallie triggers a ferocious battle, as X fights his primal nature for her life—and his only hope of redemption.

Meanwhile, Tallie grapples with the tragedy of her past and her identity as crown princess. As royal heir, Tallie finds access to immense power—enough to destroy her enemies, but possibly her own soul as well, turning her into a monster far worse than X.


X touched the oathchain at his neck. It flashed, triggering twenty-four smaller flashes in the darkness of the vast cavern. Following the flashes, shadows took form and dropped down onto the platform.
When two-dozen hooded shapes stood on the platform, X looked up into the cavern. “The rest of you sleep.” He turned to those he had called. “We go to destroy the regent’s enemies. With a tap on his oathchain, the regent’s words sounded in the minds of the others. They nodded, crossing their chests with their right arms. “We accept our oaths,” they chanted.
“Then come,” he said.
The first Bestial saluted X, then dropped his cloak and stepped forward. The dim torches turned him into a silhouette, shadows concealing everything but the outline of a muscular human form. He ran toward a long ramp at the far end of the platform. At the ramp, he pulled his head back and roared, opening some deep and feral cavern within. He threw himself to the ground then pulled himself to the ramp, sliding on his belly as the change began. Fingers hardened and curled into long black talons. His face stretched forward, projecting into a long, pointed mouth: two powerful jaws ridged with sharp teeth. The skin above his waist grew thick and scaly, covering his body with leathery green plates.
At the bottom of the ramp, he swished a long tail, beating the still, black water before disappearing beneath the surface. More men followed, each transforming into a crocodile from the mid-thigh up. The water boiled with snapping jaws that could break spear shafts, thrashing tails that could smash legs, and teeth sharp enough to pierce chainmail. Monsters with primal brains engorged with bloodlust, unfamiliar with pity or mercy.
X followed the others, sliding down the ramp and submitting to the change. First came the pain, which scoured and burned, purging away weakness and hesitation—and any remaining humanity.
His stomach scales scraped the stone ramp. Countless claws over the years had scraped deep gouges on each side; countless bellies had rubbed the stones smooth.
After pain came the power: the soaring thrill of strength, the euphoria of feeling thunder trapped inside muscles.
X slid into the churning water, shoving the other Bestials out of the way. He opened his long mouth, tore at the air with long teeth, then roared and dove beneath the water.
At the bottom of the pool, a swish of his powerful tail swept him through an opening, into a long stone tunnel. At the end of the tunnel an iron grate shrieked as it rose.
X shot through the opening, leaving the stale water of the castle and slicing into the wild, living currents of the river.
Fish swam past and a current pushed against him. The feet of ducks paddled above, just beneath the surface.
X noticed everything around him, but none of it mattered. With their oathchains quickened, the Bestials had one objective, one overwhelming urge: kill the regent's enemies. The regent's magic wrapped this command into the deepest parts of their minds; they would execute their orders with the physical power of a monster, the intelligence of a human, and unchangeable, undeniable instinct. They would kill as a fish swims and a bird flies.

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Making Bad Choices (.99 cent sale) by Rita Stradling

Making Bad Choices
Rita Stradling
Publication date: January 10th 2017
Genres: New Adult, Romance

[Recommended 16 + this is a mature YA or New Adult book]

Watch the Book Trailer: Here

Culter Fuller came back into my life on the day my mother died, as if losing my mother wasn’t bad enough.

We hated each other since childhood. Well, I hated him. He had a very different story.

When I moved to my dad’s house to finish my last semester of high school, we went from bitter enemies to. . . something else. He was suddenly everywhere, occupying my space, determined to pull me into his life, filling me with thoughts I knew were wrong.

I knew that soon we would cross a line that should never be crossed.

I knew crossing that line could have very serious consequences; because Culter Fuller wasn’t just any irresistible boy, Culter Fuller was my stepbrother.

But, I was always very bad at making the right choices.

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“If I think you might disappear on me, I’ll just be thinking about that all night, and I don’t want to have to deal with that shit. Just not worth going for me,” Culter said.

Wow, he made me feel like I was his odious chore, that was nice. I found it ridiculous that he was giving me a hard time about going off with people.

“Just go do your thing, Culter, I’ll be fine.” I might have put a fair dose of insinuation into my words, but the whole conversation was bugging me. I stood, gathering my makeup from the floor as I did.

“What’s my thing?”

“Like I know,” I mumbled.

“Sounds like you think you know,” he said. He stood too, stepping a little closer.

“It doesn’t matter.” I threw my stuff onto my bed.

He stepped in even closer, way too close, and smirked down at me. “Come on, I want to know. What’s my thing, Cassie?”

I licked my lips, before saying, “Threesomes.”

His smirk only grew. “Is that your thing, too?”

“What do you think?” I rolled my eyes, but I felt embarrassed.

He looked like he was going to laugh at me. “I’m not going to Spencer’s party for a threesome.”

“I wasn’t saying that.” I felt my face flushing as I talked to him and I wanted to step away, but at the same time, I didn’t.

He reached up and wound a lock of my hair around his finger. “That was my first threesome, and it wasn’t really one. And it wasn’t my thing. Spooning later, though, that was my thing.”

I looked up into his blue gaze, wondering if he was saying what I thought he was saying. Or had he spooned those girls? I looked away, deciding that I didn’t want to know. Well, I wanted to know, but I shouldn’t know. I was all tangled up in my thoughts, thoughts I shouldn’t even be having in the first place.

Culter’s phone rang, puncturing the tension building between us, and I was very glad for it. Culter flirted as easily as he breathed, and I had to remember that. I had to constantly remind myself of that. I liked flirting, but this didn’t feel just like innocent flirting, this felt dangerous.

I stepped away, grabbing his phone off the floor and handing it to him. Looking at the screen, I said, “It’s Spencer.” Then I walked out and left him alone in my bedroom.

Author Bio:

Rita Stradling is the author of The Deception Dance series, the Dakota Kekoa series and The Fourteen Day Soul Detox Novella Serial. She has a BA in Art History and a particular love for modern and medieval art.

Rita lives with her husband and son in Northern California.

She has an insatiable novel addiction and mostly reads young adult and adult: romance, paranormal, urban fantasy and high fantasy.

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The Trillionaire Boys’ Club: The Producer by Aubrey Parker

Trillionaire Boys’ Club: The Producer
Aubrey Parker
Publication date: January 10th 2017
Genres: New Adult, Romance

These hot, powerful men don’t impress me.

I’m not new to this secret club of billionaires. I know all about their Syndicate … and even some of their plans to control the world. I’m Alyssa Friggin’ Galloway, publicity genius, and I’ve dealt with all of them: Nathan Turner, who built the Boys’ Club, and even the insufferable Ashton Moran.

They’re all the same: all arrogance and bluster, using women like disposable things. I’m immune to their charms.

So why does the worst of the worst … Cole Freaking Ellison … intrigue me so much?

To stay afloat with all these MEN, I need to be tough. So I hold my ground. But Cole? He sees right through me to the vulnerable thing beneath.

Cole wants to control me. He wants to use me for his own pleasure.

And against all judgment, I want to let him.

The Producer is part of the Trillionaire Boys’ Club series by Aubrey Parker. Each book tells the story of one of the Club’s powerful members … and you’re going to want to collect them all.

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Alyssa’s lips purse to laugh, but I’m not kidding. I’ve never done anything precisely like this before, and that newness makes the errand feel dire and serious. I want her. I will have her. I’m not willing to wait, and if Alyssa doesn’t like the disorder caused by my early arrival? Well, she doesn’t need to be in charge of everything all the time, does she?

I walk closer, wondering at my own actions. Not caring. Only feeling the need that’s been burning within me all day while thinking about her.

I’m an edge-walker, but not usually this devious.

Today is different. Today I’m like a criminal, bent on achieving my need through any means necessary. So I called her assistant, Susanne, and told her I was from UPS and that there was an oversized package she needed to sign for. When the assistant left the office, I sneaked in behind her and locked her out. I’m sure she can call the superintendent or someone to let her back in, but that’ll take time. She could cut to the chase and call Alyssa, but her boss won’t be answering phones for a while.

She’ll be otherwise occupied.

Unable to speak.

“Cole …”

A sentence without a predicate. She doesn’t know what to say.

At least not anything more than my name.

“Let’s cut the shit,” I tell her.

Alyssa looks frozen in place. Ravishing. I got hard the moment I decided not to wait until four. Now I’m throbbing. I want her. I haven’t stopped thinking about her since that text.

I’ll try hard to prepare myself.

It turns me on, knowing she’s thinking about me. Alyssa comes off as such a straight-laced girl. A total pro. She wears her sensible girl suits with her sensible girl skirts that never rise immodestly high. Heels that are common but understatedly sexy, if you know where to look. She wears her hair like she’s going to court, but all I can think of is shaking it loose. Her features are always so hard, but if you pay attention it’s easy to see just how breathtakingly beautiful she is.

Once you know Alyssa for a while, you start thinking that she’s sexless. But one couched text, with its barely-there innuendo, was enough to shatter that impression. Yesterday morning could have caught her off guard. Our encounter on the bathroom floor might have been a one-time thing she’d instantly regret. But her text changed that. It made me see, through the thinnest of cracks in her frozen facade, that Alyssa isn’t a robot.

Now I know she’s truly a woman, with desires to match my own.

My cock strains against its confinement. I watch her chest rise and fall; her nipples push against her silky white blouse. She’s breathing long and slow through moist, gently parted lips. Her eyes stay on mine, hungry under her reservations.

“Let’s stop bullshitting each other and fuck like animals.”

“You need to leave.”

“You don’t want me to leave,” I say, shaking my head. “So tell me. Forget about what’s proper for once, and tell me what you really want.”

Her eyes flick toward the door. I’ve locked that one, too, same as the outer door her assistant is probably already finding closed.

“Say it, Alyssa.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Say you’ve been thinking about me.”

Alyssa says nothing.

“Say you’ve been wet all day, waiting for four to come.”

She swallows. I step closer. I move around the desk. Alyssa looks for all the world like she’s about to startle and flee. But she doesn’t go. Instead she lets me walk up next to her, close enough to smell. She says nothing as my hands run up her sides, as I brush her hair away from her long neck. She tips her head sideways, just a little. I can’t see her eyes from behind, but I imagine them closing.

Say the truth,” I whisper into her ear.

“I want you.”

Author Bio:

I love to write stories with characters that feel real enough to friend on Facebook, or slap across the face. I write to make you feel, think, and burn with the thrill that can only come from getting lost in the pages. I love to write unforgettable characters who wrestle with life's largest problems. My books may always end with a Happily Ever After, but there will always be drama on the way there.

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Embracing the Fall from Lainey Reese

Embracing the Fall (New York Book 4) by Lainey Reese

Date of Publication: August 4, 2015


Sometimes it takes double the love to banish the ghosts of the past.

New York, Book 4

Back in college, Cami and Ziporah forged a bond that became a lifeline when tragedy struck. Now as Cami begins to reclaim her sexuality, including the possibility that she is a sexual submissive, her fear of the unknown threatens to keep her chained by the past.

Ziporah has always been Cami's champion, comforter, and friend. She volunteers to take this erotic journey alongside her, convinced it'll be nothing more than a steamy adventure. But along the way she discovers she and Cami might not be so different, after all.

Evan would have been content to find one suitable sub in New York City. Instead, he not only has two untrained subs on his hands, they each pull at his emotions in different ways, challenging his Dominance with their spunk and wit.

As he teaches their bodies to submit to his, their enchanting combination of vulnerability and strength tempts him to do something totally unexpected—submit his heart to theirs.

Warning: This book contains BDSM elements, f/m/f ménage, graphic language, two smokin' hot subs, and a Dom who got a hell of a lot more than he bargained for. Includes scenes of rape survival that could be possible PTSD triggers for sensitive readers.

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About Lainey Reese

A note for my readers:

I write books that have very dominant men in them. The men in my books are fierce and controlling in the bedroom and overbearing and protective out of it. And the women never have anything to fear because the men would throw themselves in front of a bus before they'd let anything hurt their ladies..including themselves. I write fiction. In real life we need to be way more careful and choosey than my heroines are. Never give up your power or your body to anyone unless you have all the groundwork of safe words and real solid trust in place. Safe words are non-negotiable- No safe word? No way.

Now, as for me. I live in a tiny little place called Lake Stevens with my daughter, and our many pets. I'm an animal lover. Yup it's true. I am one of those people who lets the dog on the couch and has cat hair on her sweaters.

I've dreamed of writing since I was twelve and after the reception my first novel received I am kicking myself for not following that dream sooner. Since my first novel A Table for Three came out I have been a changed person. My childhood dream has come true and every day away from my computer feels like a waste. With the release of Damaged Goods I took a leap of faith and left the day job behind. Every day is a crazy adventure of second guessing my decision and wallowing in the joyful realization that "I don't have to go to work today!" A realization that I have NEVER had for longer than a week in my entire adult life.

Fate has smiled on me and I am now a full time author! My dreams are becoming a reality and I have you to thank. Thank you all for reading and reviewing (those reviews really make a difference). I hope that this is the start of a long and fabulous life and me...I'll write and you read and together we'll make the world a steamy wonderful place!

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