"Debra ""DJ"" Erfert, a winner of a 2017 Kindle Scout campaign, has authored five published novels, three novellas, and one Kindle World’s novella, and several short stories. She writes what her alter-ego dictates. Maybe it’s her super-ego. In her Window of Time series, Lucy is fearless and strong and has a secret power—all qualities Debra envies. In real life, spiders terrify her, which is why they appear on a regular basis in her books. “Confront your fears, and have your characters squish them!”
Debra uses the pen name DJ Erfert for her paranormal suspense/thriller books, and Debra Erfert for her romantic suspense/mystery books. She is an award-winning fine artist who lives in a southwest desert city in Arizona with her husband, Mike, a retired police lieutenant, where the average summer temperatures are well above 100 degrees—truly hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. After raising two Eagle Scouts, she now spends her time writing and shooing her polydactyl cats away from her keyboard."
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Artist Abigail Carson crashes off the deserted
highway during a Wyoming blizzard while driving to reach her dying mother.
Carbon County Sheriff Jackson Reynolds rescues her, leaving her Jeep in the
snowdrift as the storm becomes a whiteout. They’re trapped at his ranch for the
week leading up to Christmas, along with his two young daughters, a protective
mother-in-law, and a bitter memory of his dead wife.
Tensions rise as Abby’s attraction grows for the tough
sheriff. She must crack through his emotional wall before the storm breaks or
lose her only chance for real love. But if the storm doesn't stop soon enough,
Abby may lose her opportunity to ask her mother's forgiveness for running away
almost ten years before.
Snowdrift is a story about love, faith, and forgiveness."
Snowdrift is a story about love, faith, and forgiveness."

Top Ten List:
1) I have an intense fear of flying, bad enough I need medication to even walk toward a plane.
2) I have an unreasonable fear of heights. I’m pretty sure this has an impact on my fear of flying.
3) I have two polydactyl cats. What’s a polydactyl, you ask? They’re adorable kitties with more than the normal amount of toes. Polly and Jack both have thumbs on their front paws. They’re also known as Hemmingway cats. He had a fascination with them. His home in the Florida Keys is a sanctuary for polydactyls.
4) I’m a multiple-award winning fine artist specializing in portraits. I received a drawing kit for Christmas when I was seven or eight years old, with a drawing pad, pencils, one of those silly gum erasers, and an awesome book that had step-by-step examples. I drew a little boy wearing a sombrero, and my mother used the side of a pencil and shaded it, making it pop off the paper. I used this memory in one of my books.
5) This little known fact is one that my husband dislikes; I love bags—handbags, tote bags, and messenger bags with sayings on them. I can’t pass by a display of bags without Mike grabbing my elbow and hurrying me by them. The top shelf in my closet is solely for bag and purse storage. I’m pathetic. It could be worse, I suppose. I might have the same obsession for matching shoes with each bag.
6) I’m married to a retired cop, who’s brother was a cop/latent identification expert, and who’s dad was a cop for 34 years, and now we have a son who’s in law enforcement. I'm never at a loss for experts when writing.
7) I was a volunteer with our local police department for several years. I rode with willing officers, went on calls with them. On occasion, I even helped in taking report information and traffic control. They didn’t let me carry a gun, although I did design their shirt patch.
8) Readers would be surprised to know ... that I went to 13 different schools growing up. I actually went to 5 different high schools. We moved a lot. This is probably why I’m such an introvert. So if you see me at a conference or a book signing, say hi. You don’t know how much that would mean to me.
9) The Best thing about writing is ... being transported to another adventure. I’m a discovery writer. For the most part, I follow my characters, and only gently guide them where I’d like them to go.
10) When I am not writing, I like to .... do artwork and craft.
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