Monday, February 6, 2017

His Fake Alien Fiancee by Patricia Eimer

His Fake Alien Fiancee

by Patricia Eimer Out of this World #2 Publication Date: February 6, 2017 Genres: Adult, Entangled: Select Otherworld, Standalone, Sci-Fi, Romance, Funny, Fake Relationship


SYNOPSIS: Princess Perripraxis not only has to find a fiancé—and fast—she’s got to find one who doesn’t mind that her “no makeup” face has green and purple scales. Otherwise, Daddy Dearest has plans that don’t include Perri’s compliance. Candidate Number One: Her sexy human best friend, Brandt. Bartender Brandt Turner didn’t need all those years in the army to teach him never to leave a man behind. Or an alien princess in need of a pretend fiancé. If she needs someone to play the lovesick fool to convince her dad to let her stay on Earth, well then, he’ll let the world think Cupid finally took him out. But Perri’s father has no intention of playing nice—and he’s not above cruel and unusual alien torture to make things go his way. But Brandt is willing to complete the mission…however far he has to go. goodreads-badge-add-38px


Patricia Eimer is a suburban mom who has days where she feels like she’s barely hanging on. She currently lives in eastern Pennsylvania with her two wonderful kids and a husband that learned the gourmet art of frozen pizzas to give her more time to write. When she’s not writing—or shuttling her children to a hundred different places a day– she can be found trying to cook (and sometimes blowing up hard boiled eggs), reading and arguing with her dogs about plot points. Most days the Beagle wins but the Dalmatian is in close second and her mastiff puppy is making a break for the inside. Patricia meanwhile is a longshot fourth. When she’s not writing she can be found on Facebook, at her website ( or blogging about her attempts at cooking and her complete inability to craft as a contributor to the Suburban Flail Blog ( She is also a connoseiur of really bad science jokes. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Profile


Lion Eyes by Casey Peeler

It's all I ever loved,
All I ever wanted.
Football is it for me.
The lights, the turf, the feel of the ball in my hands,
There's nothing that means more to me.

But then, I meet Rilla James.
It's a game changer right from the start.
Now, all I want is her,
Everything about her.

It's a love-hate relationship.
I love the excitement, the thrill of the game,
But despise everything it stands for.
The day the game took away someone in my life,
Everything changed,
For the better.
And I couldn't be happier.

But then, I meet Tyke she Jamison.
It's a blitz right from the start.
Now, I'm questioning it all.
Maybe I could get used to life under the lights,
With him.


Listen  HERE

“You like?” she questions and I can’t hide my smile.

“I love it. Where did you get that?”  

“Let’s just say I’ve got connections,” she says as she wraps her arm through mine and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I pause, and look at her.

“You know what I really think about that jersey?”

She raises her eyebrows. “It looks way better on you than me,” I state.

“I beg to differ,” she says with a wink. “Now, let’s go meet your mom.”  

As we make our way to McDonald’s, Rilla is close but keeps a reserved distance from me. “You know you don’t have to keep so much distance between us. It’s my mom.”

“Um, exactly,” she states with a small laugh.

“Do you not recall how I met your dad the first time?”

“Oh yeah, wanna recreate it for her too?” She can’t be serious, so I call her bluff right when we’re in sight of Mom. I pause, turn to her, and pull her in for a kiss that has her breathless, but squirming to escape. She tries her best to pull back, but payback’s a bitch. When I pull away she smacks my shoulder and I burst out laughing while giving her a playful smack on the ass. “I’m gonna kill you,” she says between her teeth as she smiles at my mom. Her face is beet red, and I can’t help but chuckle.

As we cross the street, I can read my mom like a book. I’m about to get it.

“Tyke Douglas! If that’s how you act in public, Lord help what happens behind closed doors,” she says, and I can see that Rilla’s mouth is wide open.

“Guess it’s a good thing the doors never close due to that stupid rule,” I say and Mom shakes her head.

Casey Peeler grew up in North Carolina and still lives there with her husband and daughter.

Growing up Casey wasn't an avid reader or writer, but after reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston during her senior year of high school, and multiple Nicholas Sparks' novels, she found a hidden love and appreciation for reading.  That love ignited the passion for writing several years later, and her writing style combines real life scenarios with morals and values teenagers need in their daily lives.

When Casey isn't writing, you can find her near a body of water listening to country music with a cold beverage and a great book.

Connect with Casey

The Mystic Wolves & Giveaway with Belinda Boring

Title: The Mystic Wolves
Author: Belinda Boring
Genre: Paranormal Romance
What would you do if a simple errand takes a deadly twist, turning you from cautious prey to dangerous predator?
Someone is trying to send a deadly message to Mason, arranging the deaths of those he loves and it puts the entire pack and Alpha on high alert. Darcy understands the primal instincts driving her beloved Mason's commands. With the help of those he sets as protectors, she learns about herself and the things she'll need to help support her Alpha and pack. When events turn dire however, one truth offers her strength - once given, oaths are unbreakable ... even if it means risking it all.
International and #1 Multi-Genre Bestselling Author Belinda Boring is known to many readers as the Queen of Swoon and also the Queen of Cliffhangers. Her Mystic Wolves series has topped many charts along with receiving several awards and nominations such as Paranormal Book of the Year, Best Debut Book, as well as being in the Top 3 Best Rated on Amazon. With additional titles like Wanderlust, Enchanted Hearts, Loving Liberty and Broken Promises, it’s easy to see why readers are captivated by this swoon worthy author!
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. It wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can't help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!
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“You want to be wooed, huh? I’m not sure I know how to do that. You may have to tell me what to do.” The cocky grin he’d been wearing suddenly became softer, his eyes twinkling, and I caught a flash of the boyish charm I’d fallen for.
“Oh no, I’m not explaining anything to you. You should know by now, Mr. Almighty-I-Am-Alpha. Just know this—if you don’t get it right … you’re a dead man.”
He let out a rich, throaty laugh, and the sound made the soles of my feet tingle. In fact, it made everything tingle, and I braced myself. I was about to get ravished.
I didn’t move a muscle as he advanced, or resist as he finally gathered me into his arms. My eyes instantly closed and I tilted my head—waiting. Everything was still, our surroundings dimmed to a quiet hush.
He moved slowly, brushing his mouth against mine softly, tenderly. It was almost like a whisper, the feel of his breath fanning gently over my skin, and when he repeated the motion, goose bumps erupted.
Even though I knew it was coming, the touch of his tongue tracing my bottom lip had me leaning into him, my hands gripping the top of his pants to steady myself. I don’t know how long we stood there for, his mouth barely caressing mine before the mood changed, and he made his move.

Surprise Me Again Cover Reveal & Giveaway with Anita Kidesu

Title: Surprise Me Again
Author: Anita Kidesu
Genre: Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Expected Release Date: Feb. 10th, 2017
Charged with trespassing and indecent exposure on Erik Stenson's private beach, Carson and Josie Sanberg return to South Padre Island to attend the court hearing. However, their reunion with Erik is not what they expected. An invitation for a drink turns into a weekend of passion that fulfills fantasies and leaves all parties wanting to explore more than bedroom bliss. Will time, distance, and family issues stand in the way of a relationship, or will they be surprised again?
Anita has been writing for years and finally decided to try her hand at erotica. She found that writing "romance with an edge" an enjoyable genre.
Anita is single and lives in Wisconsin. Her family consists of a hamster and two cats who love antagonizing the hamster.
Author Links: Amazon:
Pre-Order Link:
Sometimes fantasies turn out better than expected…
“I wanted to see you guys again.”
Eric had. Hope bubbled in Josie. “Why?”
Eric shrugged. “I liked you. I liked the proposal you offered. Still do.”
“You mean”—Carson leaned closer to Eric, glanced over his shoulder, and lowered his voice—“joining Josie and me in the bedroom.”
A grin spread across Eric’s face as he took a quick glimpse at her chest, then her face. “In the bedroom, living room, bathtub, car, pool, or anywhere else you want to take this.”
A spiral of desire hit Josie in the chest, swirled around her nipples, danced through her stomach, slid over her pubic bone, and settled in her pussy. Could the men see her nipples harden through her sundress? Probably not. Even though the top was low-cut, the cups were padded, but they definitely pebbled at his words.
“I don’t know if this is still something you two want, but if it is, and you still want me, I’m available. And just so you remember what that means…”
Josie gasped when Eric leaned into her, putting his mouth to her ear.
“Two men playing with your breasts. Two men sucking on your nipples at the same time. One man eating you out while another plays with your tits. One man inside your pussy with another in your ass”—he paused—“at the same time.”
Josie nearly melted on the spot.

Romeo and What’s Her Name by Shani Petroff

Romeo and What’s Her Name
Shani Petroff
Published by: Swoon Reads
Publication date: February 7th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Understudies never get to perform

. . . which is why being Juliet’s understudy in the school’s yearly “Evening with Shakespeare” is the perfect role for Emily. She can earn some much-needed extra credit while pursuing her main goal of spending time with Wes, aka Romeo, aka the hottest, nicest guy in school (in her completely unbiased opinion). And she meant to learn her lines, really, it’s just:
a) Shakespeare is HARD,
b) Amanda, aka the “real” Juliet, makes her run errands instead of lines, and
c) there’s no point because Amanda would never miss the chance to be the star of the show.

Then, Amanda ends up in the hospital and Emily, as the (completely unprepared!) understudy, has to star opposite the guy of her dreams. Oops?

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I stood there like a lump, waiting for my line. Finally, I turned toward Kayla and repeated, “I said, LOUDER-ETH.”

She fed me the line again. Supercrazy loud this time. “I would not for the world.”

It was so loud, the crowd heard it and started to laugh. Not the snickers from before, but those evil, full belly laughs people get when watching home videos of someone getting kicked in the groin. Wes was going to hate me for putting him through this. This torture needed to end.

“Methinks,” I said, “I could use-eth a book-eth.” Come on, Kayla. Take the hint. “You know-eth. A BOOK-ETH where-est I can recite-eth beauteous words to thee . . . thou . . . whatever. I NEED THE BOOK-ETH.”

As I was shouting that last book-eth, I got my wish. The script came sailing from off stage left and hit me in the back of the head. “Ow,” I unintentionally yelled, to the delight of the crowd. It weighed a ton.

“Sorry,” Kayla whispered. “My bad.”

I didn’t care. I’d get over the pain faster than the embarrassment I was suffering. I was just happy to have the script. At least I was until I realized Kayla hadn’t bookmarked the page I needed. It was the complete works of Shakespeare. There was no way I would find the right page. Not to mention that since the book was with me, Kayla couldn’t even feed me lines anymore. R&J wasn’t a tragedy. My life was.

I was so flunking English.

“Would thou like some help, my sweet Juliet?”

Did Wes just call me sweet? I swung around to face him, but I wasn’t paying attention to where I was stepping and my foot went right off the balcony. Wes lunged forward to catch me, but why would anything go right for me? So instead of Wes stopping me from hitting the floor, I took him down with me.

I was lying on top of Wes Rosenthal. Only, this was not like any of my daydreams. This was mortifying. I rolled off him and jumped up. “Are you okay?” I was visibly shaking.

Wes stood up, too. “Don’t worry-eth, Juliet,” he said without any anger in his voice. He even smiled at me. For a second I thought that meant he didn’t hate me for the craziness I was causing. But then I remembered he was acting. He actually took what he was doing seriously, and right now his part called for him to be in love with Juliet.

Wes said some line I assumed was to get us back on track. But I had no response. I couldn’t take it anymore. The laughter of the audience. The panic coursing through my body. The thought of making Wes suffer more. It needed to end.

So I did the only thing I could think of—something super Elizabethan. I put the back of my and to my forehead, pretended to swoon, and let my whole body fall back to the ground with a loud thump.

“I am so sorry-eth, Romeo.”

“It’s okay.” He sat down on the ground next to me and took my hand. I felt little sparks fly through me.

I shook my head. I couldn’t let him go through this anymore. “No, I know how-eth this play end-eth. I think I shall stab-eth myself now to save-eth us both.”

“Finally,” someone in the audience yelled out.

I picked up an imaginary dagger and began to plunge it into my heart.

“No,” Wes said, stopping me before I committed imaginary suicide. “Our story is not over yet. So let’s just say, ‘Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night ‘til it be morrow.’”

I was pretty sure that was supposed to be my line. But I decided I probably shouldn’t point that out. Then he stood up and walked off the stage.

After a moment, someone finally took mercy on me and brought the stage lights down.

The scene was over. But I knew all too well that my embarrassment was just beginning.

Author Bio:

Shani Petroff is a writer living in New York City. She's the author of the “Bedeviled” series, which includes Daddy’s Little Angel, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Dress, Careful What You Wish For, and Love Struck, and is the co-author of the "Destined" series which includes Ash and Ultraviolet. She also writes for television news programs and several other venues. When she’s not locked in her apartment typing away, she spends a whole lot of time on books, boys, TV, daydreaming, and shopping online.

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The Mood For Trouble by Wynter S.K.

The Mood for Trouble
Agent Provocateur Book 1
by Wynter S.K
Genre: Romantic Suspense

It takes a special blend of insanity and courage to answer the call to become a United States federal agent. CIA officer Charlotte “Chase” Moreno is equal parts crazy and brave, which, when combined properly, creates one kick-ass, dead-shot, often reckless spy.
Chase and sexy, roughneck DEA Special Agent Jonathan Harper are forced to work together to bring down an international drug and weapons syndicate, and there’s one problem: they can’t stand each other. But when he comes to her rescue on their first mission together, it’s impossible for either of them to deny their growing feelings, or the heat that’s boiling just beneath the surface between them. But one sizzling, unforgettable night between them in Sin City might have just changed the tide--forever.

Wynter S.K. is her name, and razor-sharp romance is her game. She considers herself a pioneer of the notion that crème brûlée is a good source of calcium, and has the uncanny ability to explain to you, in detail, why wine is basically salad. She’s turned vocal novelizations of her favorite TV shows (Supernatural, anyone?) into a drinking game, and frequently laughs herself into asthma attacks.
She’s mom to two furry kids, the Pushy Pomeranian and the Contemptuous Cat. Oh, and you know those idealized, Alpha male, “book boyfriend” types we all love that are super tough and sweet and hot, all in one unfair and unrealistic package? Yeah, she’s married to one. He’s a cop and a U.S. Army soldier, and after over a dozen years together, he still makes her heart go ka-thump.
Wynter S.K. is a romantic suspense writer, with a special emphasis on strong, heart-of-gold, gruff Alpha males and butt-kicking heroines—no damsels in distress over here! Her favorite pairings are two souls drawn together under crazy circumstances and recognize their soul’s counterpart in the other. Mutual healing, painful growth, and of course, lots of red-hot romps.
Wynter lives for the happily-ever-after, but if, and only if, it follows a hard-wrought battle. Wynter loves to (figuratively, of course) stab readers in the heart before making it all better again, so all you have to do is trust her to tell you a good story, and strap yourself in—it’s going to be one hell of a ride.

Little Thief by Bonnie Valach Frazier

Bonnie Valach Frazier was born in McDowell County, West Virginia. She completed her B.S. English Education 5-12 at Concord College (now University), and her M.Ed. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Grand Canyon University. She also studied at Radford University and Virginia Tech. She has taught Kindergarten through college, and loves working with young people. Bonnie is the mother of eight, grandmother of three. She lives with her husband and five children in Virginia. 

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When Judge Carter gives Emma Greenwood one more chance by assigning community service, she thinks it's just one more card against her, cards like abandonment, foster care, and the thief trap she's in. Little does she know that there is more to her assignment that meets the eye, more like the mysterious old lady, Rose, who acts senile in front of her looming caregiver, but cleverly sane to Emma. As Rose's secrets unfold, so do Emma's. And now with friendship, love, and life on the line, Emma must decide if she is willing to be that Little Thief again.

Top Ten List:

1. I met my husband of 15 years on the internet. 
2. I knew I was going to marry my husband by our second letter.
3. Technology was less than it is today, so I fell in love with my husband before I ever saw his picture.  Fortunately, he is very handsome.
4. I have alopecia and am bald.  I have a story about that coming out soon.
5. My main character in my upcoming novel sees my family while we are on vacation.
6. I currently teach in the same town my main character in Little Thief is from.
7. I love trees, so you will see them often in my books.
8. Anne of Green Gables is my kindred spirit.
9. I used to be red head before I lost my hair, but I'm still in the 2%, so that's ok.
10. One day, I discovered my 5th great-grandfather was born at sea.  One night I was thinking about him and how cool that was, and I heard "There's more to that story," in my mind.  I immediately began researching and am currently writing his and my great-grandmother's love story as historical fiction, or at least my interpretation of it. 

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