Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blind Faith by Nancy Haviland


by Nancy Haviland Steel Jackals MC #2 Publication Date: February 28, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, MC



After years of solitude, Tish O’Malley made the mistake of assuming happiness was finally hers. But before she can relax her guard and enjoy her protective—albeit secretive—Sergeant at Arms, another selfish choice made by her unconscionable drug-addict mother brings about deadly consequences. With Rachel conveniently tucked away behind bars, her massive debt is laid at Tish’s feet. Josh “The Guardian” Sylvan knew when he claimed his young queen, her well-being would become his life’s purpose. When her mother’s senseless idiocy brings his estranged father’s notorious club to town, to protect Tish, Josh must consider taking out a member of the Obsidian Devils MC. Can he risk it all? Jeopardize his brothers and their families as they stand at his back, preparing to fight this personal battle? Everything changes when Josh discovers his and Tish’s love has produced the one thing that will bind her to his side forever. Only then does indecision flee, and possessive rage takes over. goodreads-badge-add-38px


Josh stared at the woman before him. If ever there was any doubt he’d hooked up with someone too young, the look in Tish’s eyes at that moment cured him of it. She hadn’t been hanging out here, shitting her panties over her makeup being broken or her clothes being dirty because a bad man had touched them. She’d been trying to figure out the next logical step; medical care for whoever needed it—she’d thought that might be him and her concern was beautiful—a surface or deep clean to get the house in shape again, a possible insurance claim. He lifted a finger, and, ignoring his body as it burned as hot for her as his heart, he explained a couple of things. “One. The next time you wanna yell at me, you keep that shit under wraps until we’re alone. You understand?” She glanced around and only then seemed to notice the volume of voices out in the kitchen had gone real low. She looked properly horrified, so he went on. “Two. I will not call in a report to you. Not ever. But if you want to send a text next time to make sure your old man isn’t dead, feel free. I’ll happily answer it.” “Three. I’m sorry. I was totally blowing you off, and I get how insulting that is. Forgive me.” She went to move toward him, but he held up his spread fingers. “Four.” He leaned his upper body into her, close enough that the sweetness of vanilla trailed under his nostrils. “I am your big bad man, and I have every fucking right to put you on that shelf. Only, in my head, it’s a pedestal, and I’ll jam you up there and keep every fucking secret in the world from you if I think it will make your life better. Why? Because I want you happy more than I want you informed. You’re gonna have to get used to that because it’s not gonna change no matter how much you bitch and moan about it. Got it? Tish?” She nodded, her mouth tight. “And, five, where the fuck did you see a dead body?” “When we were in Phoenix, my mom once made a buy off a dealer who lived under a bridge. As she sampled the shit, then exchanged drugs for money, I stared at a naked woman lying spread-eagled on a dirty mattress in the corner. Her eyes stared back, and I made a game of waiting to see how long it would be before her chest moved. My mom dragged me away before it could, so I guess the woman won.” Josh’s soul crumpled and wept as it did every time she casually shared one of her stories. He slid his fingers into her hair and tipped her head back with his thumbs under her jaw. “I’m sorry, Tish-Tosh,” he whispered. “You don’t know how badly I want to give you a new past.” Her entire face compressed. “I’m angry with you, Josh. You’re not supposed to say stuff like that.” “Sorry, babe. I’m trying here.” He brought their mouths together and apologized with a slow kiss that turned into something more the second she got her hands under his shirt. The heat from her palms was a tease, but he could have handled that. The scrape of her fingernails as she focused on a spot above his belt buckle, no. She wanted in his pants. And he wanted to give her what she wanted. A loud bang killed the mood. “Food’s ready!” Holding Tish to him, he leaned over and threw the door open. Chase stood there with his hand over his eyes, but his fingers were separated. The cacophony going on behind him was once again at full level. He gave them the once over then looked at the clothes littered all over the floor. “You’ll have to learn to multi-task, Tish. Least you could have done while showing off your brass balls is wash your uncle’s jeans.” He walked off laughing. “Fuckin’ idiot,” Josh muttered as he took Tish’s hand and brought it to his cock. Her quiet gasp was the sweetest thing. “Squeeze me.” She gripped him, and contracted her hand, making it an experience when she did it with little pulses that unknowingly mimicked a coming pussy. Pride showed in her smile when he groaned. “You want that?” “Yes, even though I’m still sort of mad, I’d take you.” “I’ll give it to you after church. If we can get away with it, we’re spending the day in bed tomorrow.” She looked excited and skeptical all at once. “In my uncle’s house?” He nodded and looked at the empty doorway, smirking. “Yeah. And I’m gonna make you scream the fuckin’ place down. Twenty bucks says he and Chase stay away for the duration. We’ll toss our dirty sheets on top of all this shit,” he added, thinking that might be a nice touch. Tish’s cheeks flamed, and she was still laughing as she pulled him out of the house. She led him around a table loaded down with empanadas, grilled steaks, ribs and burgers, and his favorite; Mesquite-smoked, bacon-wrapped Sonoran dogs. He held their plates while Tish filled them, and didn’t miss how the discreet looks from Beth and Fiona turned into relieved smiles when they saw Tish happy. Because they knew her story, they all wanted her in a good place. Lucky for him, he was the chosen one who would get her there.




Nineteen-year-old Tish O’Malley has loved Josh “The Guardian” Sylvan since she was a child. When her reticent hero returns to Queen Creek after serving a three-year prison term meant for her mother, Tish is through pretending this man nearly twice her age isn’t the only happiness she’s ever known. Will the viciously loyal Sergeant at Arms stand by his instant and brutal rejection of the woman Tish has become? Or will he give in and claim her as his young queen despite his best efforts to resist the one female who should never have made it on his radar? *PLEASE BE AWARE: Blind Devotion was formerly released in November 2015 as HIS YOUNG QUEEN by TIFF P. RAINE. It has been revised, given a new title and cover, but it hasn't been altered enough for any information to be missed if you don’t re-read before continuing with the books that will follow. This is the intro to the STEEL JACKALS MC series, and it’s in Tish O’Malley’s POV only. Hers and Josh’s story will continue in dual POV in BLIND FAITH, which is scheduled for release at the end of February 2017. **WARNING: Contains drug use, profanity, and explicit sexual situations. If you’re not comfortable with frequent use of the C-words or a demanding alpha biker fresh out of prison, please skip reading this book. +18 goodreads-badge-add-38px


Nancy Haviland is an award-winning, bestselling romance (suspense, erotic, contemporary) author who writes about her possessive alpha males and their obsessively loved women from her home in Southwestern Ontario. Her greatest loves are her family and that ever-present cooling cup of coffee at her elbow.
To stay up-to-date on new releases, click the yellow button above or join her reader list at http://bit.ly/NHNewsletter. To stay in the loop, you can also visit www.nancyhaviland.com!


Amnesia by Kylie Hillman

Special Release week price of only 99c

Amnesia, a Psychological Thriller

Dr. Jaxon Ray has only ever wanted one woman. He's loved her from afar since their Junior School days, worshiping the ground she walks on, intent on having her for his own when the time is right.
Amber St. George isn't interested in the trappings that come with her family's wealth. A simple life as a teacher at an underprivileged school, a comfortable home with her lover, and good friends; that's all she desires.
Once Jax decides it's time to take what's his, Amber finds herself at the mercy of a madman. A sociopath with access to the latest neurological advancements, who possesses the ability to use her own mind to keep her captive. Programmed to forget. Reprogrammed as her captor's perfect partner. Amber's left with medically-induced amnesia and no idea that she's in for the fight of her life.
When the people who know you're missing aren't on your side, and the love of your life has been led to believe that you've turned your back on him, is rescue possible? When you can't remember the real you, is escape even on the cards?
DISCLAIMER: This story contains triggering content and is not suitable for all readers, especially those under eighteen years of age.

“Welcome home.” My mother greets us in a singsong voice. “I trust you’re both feeling relaxed and recharged from your little break?”
Both sets of parents are waiting in the foyer of our house, apparently ready to celebrate our return from our honeymoon. I lean into Jax, close enough so that only he can hear my comment.
“Somebody’s had her Stepford pills today.”
I can feel his low laugh where it rumbles in his chest below my palm. It calms my fears about returning home. During our flight, I was worried that the connection between me and Jax would be lost. He seemed to grow more aloof the closer we got to home. Tension that hadn’t been in his hard frame during our three-week honeymoon became more noticeable by the minute. It diluted the tenderness I felt for him after such an amazing honeymoon, which made me feel guilty, so I’d spent the remainder of the flight trying to find ways to recapture it with small talk and inane observations.
“Seems someone’s missed hers,” Jax replies loud enough for our parents to hear. He takes a step to the side, putting distance between us and causing me to stumble from the unexpected loss of his body. I right myself, bright spots of embarrassment making my face burn. “I have work to do. Amber, you should rest. We have a battery of tests organised for you first thing tomorrow. It’s time to see if you’re able to live up to your end of the bargain.”
Jax strides out of the foyer in the direction of his office, my father and his falling into step with him. Left alone with our mothers, I look between them to see if they’re going to comment on how my husband just acted. They meet my perusal with deliberate blankness, although my mother does seem to be more nervous than usual.
“Is anyone going to tell me what tests he’s talking about?” Their mouths fall open at my belligerent tone. Internally, I shrug it off. They’re lucky I didn’t stomp my damn foot. I certainly want to. “No? No one?”
I give them my back, extending the handle of my biggest suitcase and tilting it so it will roll behind me. I signal the maid to bring the rest of my bags with her. Jax’s luggage can sit in the middle of the entry until the end of time, for all I can. When I reach the curved staircase, I immediately regret my show of defiance. There’s no way I’m going to be able to pull my bag up there.
“Maria.” My mother snaps her fingers at the maid. “Bring some refreshments to the lounge, then have their luggage taken to their room.”
She sniffs when Maria takes too long to move. “Come now, Amber. Tell us about your trip.”
I follow, with reluctance in each step, sitting on the loveseat closest to the window. It’s a beautiful day outside. Bright sunlight and barely a breath of wind. It’s a day that I could spend with my husband, if he wasn’t a workaholic who barely drew a breath before he dived straight back into his job.
“I think you’re mistaken as to how things will run from now on.” Jax’s mother, Elizabeth, speaks first. I run my gaze over her, taking in the perfectly coiffed hair and her straight unnaturally posture with her hands tucked between her knees. Looks like she had her Stepford pills today, as well. “My son is a very busy man. It’s your job to make his life run as effortlessly as possible. There will be no further allowances made for your delicate state.”
She stands, pacing in front of me. I assume that her “delicate state” gibe is a reference to my ongoing amnesia.
“You’ll take over the running of this house. It is not my place to do so now that he’s married. However, I am happy to provide some tips so that the transition is smooth. The same goes for Jax’s social calendar. That will require close attention so that your influence as the only St. George heir benefits my son from the outset. Once you are with child, Cynthia and I,” Elizabeth indicates my mother with her jutting chin. “will assist you so that you are able to concentrate on your most important duty—providing as many heirs as possible.”
“So, that’s what the tests are for tomorrow?” I slouch in my chair when they both incline their heads in agreement. “Well, I guess I’d better rest then. Wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of my ability to breed.”
“I feel that you would benefit from a lie down.” My sarcasm goes straight over my mother’s head. “It will improve your disposition.”
My feet are in action, removing me from this conversation before I say something I regret. I can’t take this farce, anymore. We’ve been home for less than an hour and my life is already being dictated by the expectations of “society”.
Isn’t that one of the reasons you ran away in the first place?
My stupid heel catches in the corner of the rug when that random thought pops into my head. I stumble, steadying myself with a hand on the back of the settee. Balance regained, my shoulder clashes with the person currently entering the room as I restart my hasty exit.
“My apologies.” I give Seb a ghost-like smile as I pass.
He takes hold of the top of my arm to slow me, a shopping bag dangling from that same hand.
“It’s time. Be ready.”

Wife to a Harley riding, boating and fishing, four-wheel driving, quintessential Aussie bloke.
Mum to two crazy, adorable, and creative kids.
Crohn's Disease sufferer and awareness campaigner.
She’s also an avid tea drinker, a connoisseur of 80's/90's rock music, and is known for lacing everything she says with sarcasm and inappropriate innuendo.

Formerly working in finance, she was forced to reevaluate her plans for her life when severe Crohn's Disease brought her corporate career to a screeching halt. Restarting her childhood hobbies of writing and reading to alleviate the monotony of being sick and housebound, she found her calling and is enjoying life to the max. A typical day is spent in the "real" world where she hangs out with her awesome family and "book" world where she gets to chill with her fictional characters.

Kylie writes the books she wants to read. A lover of strong men who aren't perfect and aren't afraid to admit it, straight talking women who embrace their vulnerabilities, and real life gritty stories, she hopes these themes shine through her writing. An avid reader of all genres, Kylie hopes to release books that keep the reader on the edge of their seat- be it with suspense, heart-stopping thrills, or laughter.

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Beast by Mary Catherine Gebhard


Book Title: Beast 
Author: Mary Catherine Gebhard 
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Dark Romance 
Release Date: March 14, 2017 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

Once upon a time, I thought love was a fairytale.

I thought selling myself to a mafia boss was noble. So what if they called him the Beast? I grew up in rags, and he would lift me to riches. All I had to do was give him my soul.

He was punishing. Insatiable. Captivating. Nothing like I expected him to be. Each day my reality blurred, leaving me wondering if I was slave or princess.

The longer I stayed, the more I lost myself to him. Even after every cruelty the Beast visited upon me, I longed for his touch. Even after every savage word he spoke, I begged for his lips. I thought the worst thing he could take was my body. I was too naïve to guard my heart.

Once upon a time, I thought love was a fairytale.

Now I know better than to speak of happily-ever-afters.

Beast is the first book in the Hate Story duet. About what it means to fall in love with the person who has absolutely destroyed you, it contains disturbing and graphic situations that may be a trigger for some.


I knew that if I kept looking at him I would get sucked under, I would give myself up—so I turned away and released him.

“Please not now,” I said softly, hands falling to the soft fabric. For a moment it was quiet, but a loud quiet, a quiet filled with questions and demands and needs. I could hear him breathing. I prayed that he wouldn’t press, because I didn’t think I could fight him off. Not physically, but mentally.

God, I want to reach up and grab him again.

“Please,” I said again, even quieter. He removed his hand from me and I turned back. I thought he was listening, that he was going to leave me alone. Then he brought his hand to my cheek.

I flinched.

I was worried that the earlier animalism I’d seen was going to turn on me. His face darkened and in seconds he pinned me flat. I was sure he was going to hurt me; the fire in his eyes was so intense it scorched me. It burned. I closed my eyes to get away from him but I could feel him by the way the bed dipped on either side.

His lips were next to my ear and his voice was hoarse, cruel.

“You still think I’m going to hurt you?” he asked. My breath hitched. “You have no idea what I’m risking to keep you safe.” I kept my eyes closed until I felt the bed give on either side, until the door slammed shut. Even then, I kept my eyes pressed tight.

meet the author

Mary Catherine Gebhard bites off more than she can chew. She's lived in Salt Lake City, Utah her entire life, but occasionally goes on vacation from reality. Don't worry, she sends postcards.
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Too Wilde to Tame by Tonya Burrows

Too Wilde to Tame

by Tonya Burrows Wilde Security #5 Publication Date: February 27, 2017 Genres: Adult, Entangled: Ignite, Contemporary, Romance



For three years, ballet teacher Natalie Taggart has lived across the hall from grumpy, reclusive, sexy Greer Wilde. Save for a handful of hellos and the occasional heated glance, they never spoke to each other. Until the morning Greer lands on her doorstep, bleeding, beaten, and bullet-riddled. Greer doesn’t need or want her help. He has only one goal: revenge. And nobody—not his brothers, and certainly not his too-hot-for-his-sanity next-door neighbor—is going to get in his way. goodreads-badge-add-38px


Tonya Burrows wrote her first romance in 8th grade and hasn’t put down her pen since. Originally from a small town in Western New York, she suffers from a bad case of wanderlust and usually ends up moving someplace new every few years. Luckily, her two dogs and ginormous cat are excellent travel buddies. When she’s not writing about hunky military heroes, Tonya can usually be found at a bookstore or the dog park. She also enjoys painting, watching movies, and her daily barre workouts. A geek at heart, she pledges her TV fandom to Supernatural and Dr. Who. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Goodreads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Profile


Game Changer by Jami Davenport

Sports RomanceGame Changer: Seattle Steelheads (Game On in Seattle)
Jami Davenport
Release Day: 2/28/2017


When horse racing and football collide, Hunter McCoy, star tight end of the Seattle Steelheads and neophyte horse owner, finds himself in a battle of wills with a sexy horsewoman and a stubborn, opinionated race horse.

Kate Vanderhof-Carrigan's family has raised champion Thoroughbreds on their Kentucky bluegrass farm for over a century. Lately the farm has fallen on hard times, but Kate is determined to return Oak Brook to its former glory. First, she must satisfy an odd clause in her grandfather's will. She's been given five years to produce a winner of horse racing's biggest prize of all, the Derby, or lose the farm to her siblings and their development plans. Time has run out, and Hunter's talented horse stands between Kate and her last shot at the Derby. Only Kate never counted on her heart entering the race.

Hunter is juggling his responsibilities to his two-dozen investors, his blind sister, his football career, and his commitment to his tribe. The last thing he needs is an unwanted attraction to a spoiled rich girl who doesn't fit into his carefully crafted plans. Not only are they rivals on the race track, but she doesn't understand or appreciate his dedication to his Native American heritage. Yet despite the odds, all bets are off when Hunter and Kate find themselves in a relationship they can't resist.

With the stakes much higher than the Derby purse, can tese two longshots win the biggest race of their lifetime or will their hearts finish out of the money?

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Author Bio:
USA Today Bestselling Author Jami Davenport is an advocate of happy endings and writes sexy contemporary and sports romances, including her two new indie endeavors: the Game On in Seattle Series and the Madrona Island Series. Jami’s new releases consistently rank in the top fifty on the sports romance and sports genre lists on Amazon, and she has hit the Amazon top hundred authors list in both contemporary romance and genre fiction multiple times. Jami ranked Number Seven on Kobo’s Top Ten Most Completed Authors, an honor bestowed on the year’s “most engaging” authors based on an average page completion rate by their readers.

Jami lives on a small farm near Puget Sound with her Green Beret-turned-plumber husband, a Newfoundland cross with a tennis ball fetish, a prince disguised as an orange tabby cat, and an opinionated Hanoverian mare.
Jami works in IT for her day job and is a former high school business teacher. She’s a lifetime Seahawks and Mariners fan and is waiting for the day professional hockey comes to Seattle. An avid boater, Jami has spent countless hours in the San Juan Islands, a common setting in her books. In her opinion, it’s the most beautiful place on earth.

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